Seymour and Seward

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New member
Apr 7, 2007
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Troy, NY
On Dec. 19th, Apache and me headed for Seymour from the summer parking lot. The skies were blue, the sun out, and little wind. I would guess the temperature was in the high teens to low 20's. The trail in was thin but covered with enough snow. We decided to wear our snowshoes but you could have bare booted.

Start time around 8 a.m., reached trail head by 10:50 a.m., on summit around 1:30 p.m., back at trailhead approximately 3 p.m. The snow conditions were great, a few inches of powder on a packed base. We had excellent snowshoe traction all the way to the top. The track was very good except for a split three quarters of the way up. The person decided to swing left to avoid a steep section, instead they found some thick trees to plow through. On the way down we used the other track, it was clear and a better choice.

Finally Corey's road was in good condition and the gate was open.

On Dec. 20th, Gordon, Bob, Joe (his son), and I went for Seward via Ward Brook. The temperature at the summer trailhead was -2 degrees, blue skies, no wind, and puffy clouds. All of us except Joe decided to bareboot the trail until Blueberry lean-to. Trail conditions had not changed. We started around 7:30 a.m., reached the trail head around 10:30 a.m., the summit around 1:30 p.m., and back down by 3:00 p.m.

The trail up Ward Brook is well defined and snow conditions were great. There is one thing to say about this trail, it is a steady climb, especially near the top. Two things stood out about this hike, the -5 degree temp. at the summit, thankfully without the wind, and the headwall was completely buried in snow, it did not exist.

Last comment, I hope the Rochester group survived the cold. On Sunday we follow their track up Seward, they also moved on to Donaldson and Emmons. That must be one whale of a day in winter.

Happy trails.....

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