So this might seem a little crazy to some, but I was wondering if anyone here had any experience sharpening their snowshoe crampons, particularly the MSR Lightning Ascent style crampons. I noticed towards the latter part of last winter that I was no longer getting the traction I recalled originally getting on the hard snow, and noticed that the siderail crampons on my Lightnings are really beat up. The larger teeth are rounded over heavily while the smaller teeth are almost completely gone. The cross-rail crampons are worn pretty good too. I've beat them up pretty hard especially the last 2 winters (I've had them for 3 winters but hardly used them in the 2011/2012 winter season), and I'm sure walking on a lot of bare rock hasn't done them any good. But I was wondering how viable it might be to take a hand file to them and tune up the crampons some? I do this every fall with my microspikes (and it's past time to do them again), but am I wasting my time trying on the Lightnings?