shelter on adams\allen trail

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Sep 19, 2003
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clinton, ny "avatar:Bailey"
Why are they fixing up the shelter just before turnoff to adams? What plans do they have for it? Also, when did they pave the road to upper works. I did marshall last summer and it was still dirt. They got double yellow lines and everything. :)
Dunno about any shelter near the trail to Adams.

This isn't what you asked, but when we did Allen we camped at a high-impact spot on the east bank of Skylight Brook. It was 1.0 mile west of the Allen Summit and just inside (east of) the public land boundary. It was also the closest thing to campable that we could find. Of course, that was Sept 2004, and the trail was in such bad shape that we didn't recon (on our bellies) too far.

The auto road to Upper Works was done last Summer after I did Marshall. When I arrived on 8/19, signs warned that paving was on the 20th, so I parked at the lower lot and backpacked the road to the trailhead. But when I came out on the 21st, nothing had changed. Except my hope for a real breakfast (in Old Forge) before my 13-hr drive home. :(

I'm guessing(don't know for certain) that the shelter in question is the hut that the watcher of the fire tower stayed in when the fire tower was in use. There is a npo that has adopted all the fire towers and is attempting to repair the towers, trails and shelters.
The fire observer's cabin and the tower were retained by the Open Space Institute as "historic preservation" (also the furnace and buildings at Upper Works) when the rest of the Tahawus tract was sold to NYS to add to the forest preserve.
Glad to hear they are restoring the cabin. The cabin was the cabin for the fire observer for the fire tower. The cabin is one of the original standardized cabins built by New York State. It is the only one remaining of that design.