Shepard’s Tooth -> Algonquin, Nov. 13

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Oct 6, 2003
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Illumination Rock, Mount Hood.
This weekend I have decided to do the traverse from Shepard’s Tooth, to Iroquois and Algonquin (maybe Wright) on Saturday, November 13. I am staying at the Loj campgrounds and would like to have an early start. My plan is to take the trail past Rocky Falls toward Indian Pass. Follow the trail between Marshall and Iroquois and head up towards Shepard’s Tooth.

I know this is short notice, but if anyone is interested - post here or PM me.

I must apologize for I failed to do that route. I stayed at the Loj campground, had a good night sleep, but somehow I twisted my knee. Took a few steps toward the Information Center and I knew it was not going to be a good day. I decided to go up Algonquin to Iroquois and then decide on heading down toward the Tooth. Only the knee was in bad shape and I decided to turn around once I arrived on top of Algonquin. I suspect that even if I did that route, the snow was enough to prevent finding the camera – sorry.
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Ed, I think you did pretty good for having a twisted knee. I appreciate the attempt. Anyway, I figured that my own failed attempt on retracing my steps on Halloween was the last chance this year. I'll head back up there, maybe in May. Go Packers!