Shepherd's Tooth - MacIntyres & camera recovery? Aug 6-7

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ALGonquin Bob

Well-known member
Sep 5, 2003
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One night, Saturday & Sunday. Hike with me from the ADK Loj, through Avalanche Pass to Lake Colden and spend the night. On day 2 (Sunday), we'll hike up Algonquin Pass (Cold Brook Pass) and up to Shepherd's Tooth, Iroquois, Algonquin (2nd highest peak in NY), and return to the Loj.

CAMERA RECOVERY MISSION: Some of you might remember that last October, I posted that I had lost my (waterproof) camera on the herd path as I descended Shepherd's Tooth, below Iroquois. I returned on Halloween and attempted to repeat that hike, but was turned back by high wind on the summits. It snowed a week after my failed attempt, and due to various events, this weekend is my first opportunity since the snow melted to search for my little camera (and it's a good excuse to do this hike again). Since the camera is waterproof, the elements probably didn't hurt it. And besides, I had a 512MB card in there with some incredible images made from Algonquin, Iroquois, and the Tooth! I at least want to get the SD memory card back.

I realize that on short notice, this will likely be a solo hike, but so was the first one when I lost my camera. At least I know where I'm going this time! Since I have to work Friday night, I won't arrive at the Loj until maybe 1 or 2 PM on Saturday. Anyone is invited. It's an "easy" 7 or 8 miles back to Lake Colden where I'll make camp (tent or lean-to - whatever). Up early Sunday and on the trail for the tough part.

The climb up to Shepherd's Tooth from the top of Algonquin Pass (near the Marshall herd path) is continuously steep until the tip of the "Tooth" is reached. The camera (in a case) is on that section. From the Tooth, we'll bushwhach down into the col and head up toward the open ledges of Iroquois. After following a good herd path over to Algonquin Peak, it's a long downhill trudge back to the car. And it's a SPECTACULAR hike!

I'll be in the main parking lot at the HPIC (by the VH trail) at approximately 2PM to start. Look for an old hiker dude by a rusty old gray Honda wagon, with a NY license plate of "MTNHIKER". I just know that I'll be soloing again, but I have to try! I'll check e-mail for the last time on Friday night (optimist). Hey, just show up... See ya'!!!
I can't join you on this trip, on this date, however if things get rescheduled let me know.