Shoe Goo

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Mar 1, 2004
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I have a couple of pairs of trail runners whose toe bumper is beginning to peel back. I found a product called Shoe Goo for glueing them back on.

Problem is, how am I supposed to hold the rubber part to the shoe until the glue sets?
You can use rubber bands or twine. Also, wedging the two sections works well.
Shoo Goo is great stuff and can be used for lots of other equipment or around the house repair.
I've used it for years to rebuild worn sections of running shoe outsoles and is perfect for filling the cap between loose toe caps on lightweight hiking boots.

2 tips: Be sure that after you apply the S.G., the item being repaired is in the proper position relative to gravity. S.G. goes on like molasses, but will always settle. You want to be sure the boot is oriented the way you want it.
Also, using a toothpick to poke the S.G. down into crevices of the repair assures that the slow moving adhesive won't start setting-up before it seeps into all the openings.
you could also try barge cement, sold at many outdoor stores.
i use it for resoleing my climbing slippers.
glue both sides of the rubber, let it set a couple hours then press together...voila! no clamps, tape, etc needed.
I clean the whole seam with alcohol first, poke the cement in with a toothpick, and hold the thing together with athletic tape. Works well enough for me.
I have a pair of Vasque Rangers and just after having about 300 miles on them the heel of the boot started ripping off. I shoo gooed it after cleaning the boot very well I might add, and the heel only lasted about 15 miles before coming ungooed again. At least with just trying to glue the toe of your sneaker, it has less impact than the a heel of a boot and should last longer. I tried the shoe goo for my Mount Marshall hike back in September........I guess its just time to break down and buy a new pair of boots :)

Good Luck!
Shoe Goo gets my vote. It's a tasty dessert topping, too!

I'm not sure if he was joking, but Mac was right about duct tape. I've had great success with it holding toe pieces down with my favorite "tool". The toothpick advice is dead on. All, I would add is that heed the warning about ventilation. Don't hole yourself up your bathroom while "gooing"'ll feel like college again. :eek: ;)