The first relocation is within the first 1/2 mile or so, including some rebuilt rock steps and then it rejoins the old trail. Continuing on, you come to the old trail junction - a brook will now be on your left, and for those not familiar with this jct, there's a lot of brush piled on the old trail, and the tree where the directional sign used to be now has a small, new sign of an arrow pointing towards the right. Before the old junction the trail is wide, smooth, and slopes somewhat downhill as it was an old road. Continuing on to the right - this is existing trail which was mostly used as access to Vose Spur - you eventually come to a jct where they moved the old sign, and you turn left for Signal Ridge/Carrigain. This is where the relocation is most obvious as it's all new trail for the next 1/2 mile or so until it rejoins the old trail. Where is rejoins is pretty obvious on the way down.