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Tight stuffing of small incompressible objects into stuff sacks actually wastes more space than loose stuffing once you put several such stuff sacks in your pack.I use the Sea To Summit dry bags and most of my stuff compresses reasonably well when you roll down the collar (say a 1:3 ratio or something along those lines). I did buy a compression sack for certain uses but I found the straps annoying on it when opening/closing so I stopped using. And most of the stuff like fire starters and the like are not compressible anyway so the sacks are more about organization than space.
Thirst is suppressed by the cold--you should judge your water needs in winter by urine volume and color.As far as water I do usually stop. I used to use (well use off and on - still undecided) a small Ribz type set up (because of course I have no space!) that I'd put essentials in to avoid stopping (compass, camera, an 18oz Hydroflask, toilet paper, clotting gauze and other stuff that is super easy to have at your fingertips or super important to get as fast as possible). I find I need to force myself to stop at periodic intervals to give my legs a breather and avoid overheating (say every 2 hours or so) so that's when I'll normally chug some water and eat something. Because I do all of my hikes as day hikes with lengthy amounts of driving I've found these periodic stops are better over all for avoiding cramps on the drive home and fatigue in the following few days (I am not in anywhere near the kind of shape you are). In the past I would just crank it out of the woods to get finished up. Now I make it a point to break it into intervals for rest/water/food even if I don't feel tired, thirsty or hungry. For whatever reason I find I need far less water in winter despite what most people say about needing more. As I've experimented I've found I get much better performance hydrating and eating on my drive up to hike which probably contributes to why I seem to need less during the hike.
I have adopted a time based protocol in winter--I stop once an hour (by my watch) to eat and drink. (When hiking one can put food and water in one's pocket and eat and drink without stopping, however this is difficult to do when one has ski poles in one's hands... The time-based protocol is my way around this problem.)
In summer, I carry a 24oz water bottle in my pocket so I can drink without stopping. (I don't like bladders and they can be unreliable in winter.) I carry several of the bottles in my pack so I can simply switch bottles rather than waste time refilling bottles. In winter, I carry insulated water bottles in my pack.
Back to the original question:
I have packs in several capacities and choose one that can comfortably carry whatever gear I think is appropriate. I avoid tying gear on the outside.
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