Skylight and Gray January 29

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Oct 6, 2003
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Illumination Rock, Mount Hood.
On Saturday, January 29, we are planning a trip to Skylight and Gray (Marcy optional). The plan calls for leaving the Loj at 7:00 a.m. and stops at the Feldspar lean-to to unload overnight gear. Then continuing on to Skylight and Gray returning to Feldspar for the evening. Marcy is optional depending on time and interest level. Happy hour starts shortly after.
At least 4 for us (Nathalie, Tom Rankin, Harryk and myself) are aiming for these
peaks on Saturday. We will be doing this has a dayhike and we haven't decided on a starting time yet. Will keep you posted.
I would be very interested in joining you guys..if i can arrange to be free this saturday...

I am planning to hike in the Adirondacks somewhere this weekend. I need Gray and Marcy so maybe since there will be some others headed that way I will go for that on Saturday. (I am always happy for some adult supervision on longer hikes). My plan would be to go for Gray via Lake Arnold and Feldspar and then go over Marcy and down VH. I would probably chicken out on the Gray to Marcy direct route unless there is way more snow up there than I think there is. I would probably leave the Loj around 5:30 to 6:00 AM. This is all tentative and weather dependant, I tend to plan my outings at the last minute. If the weather is not fit for Marcy, I will probably try for Cliff or MacNaughton or something else on my list of things to do. I hope to see some VFTT people on the trail. Thanks for the post.
As it turns out I'll join up with the day hike group. I'll skip the Feldspar lean-to overnight. Let's work out time details. I'll be staying in the campgrounds at the Loj in my 4487-Taj-Mahal tent complete with wet bar and heater! Looking forward to meeting everyone.
Well, it's 17 miles (excluding Marcy) so I would suggest leaving no later then 7am. How about 6am?

Harry, you forgot to include Tabletop and Phelps on the way out. ;)
Remind me to buy a stuffed rabbit to carry along and I'll do my Pinpin impression. :D :D
skylight and gray

are you guys leaving from montreal for that 6am (or 7am) start or sleeping friday night near the trail?
Ed, we'll aim for 6am at the LOJ.

We are all sleeping near the trail. Ed is at the LOJ and the rest of us will be in Lake Placid.
If you can make it, look for an orange Element in the parking lot.

Hi ADK4487,

Bad or Good news for You??? Pinpin junior has a plan to go Marcy-Gray-Skylight in Friday 28 January We need this three summits on this week and Friday will be the last day of the 4th week of this year!!!!

Jean You will need to clone Junior and He is not realy happy of this thing!!!

Eh Harryk if You will be off Friday come with Us....

The Montreal's team stay in your computer to see the Pinpin Junior report Friday before 6 p.m.

All gang have great hike this weekend!!! ;) ;)
Alain, I'm afraid my best impression of Junior will not come even close to the real thing.
Thanks for breaking the trail for us. :)

....and don't forget to wear your snowshoes. we don't want to see no postholing on the trail. ;) ;)
Hi Guys,

Do not expect me at 6:00 Saturday morning. Due to work pressures I have to get back earlier. I'm off on the trail at 11:00 Friday night to do a night hike of these peaks. Hope to see you on the way down. I know I'll have a great trail follow chasing that PinPin Junior.

Be Safe - Ed
I am planning to be there... I am debating if im leaving from montreal at 3h30 a.m., sleeping in my car in the loj parking lot or trying to find a cheap motel not far from the trail (any suggestion?)...
This is going to be a great occasion to meet some vftt montrealers, the weather predictions are good and that sounds like a beautiful (and exhausting) hike.
If you see a red suzuki esteem (with vftt sticker) thats me...
You can stay at the Jack Rabbit motel on route 73. It's close to the LOJ and should cost you around $60.
A samedi!

We'll see ya on the trails. Stay warm.
I think the 'Keene Hostel' sounds interesting (and cheap)... I'll be happy with a bunk and my sleeping bag...
By the way look didn't use to work for Polygram, by any chance?
Gray, Skylight and perhaps Marcy

I'd be very interested in "joining" this group. The weather and conditions look excellent. A 6 AM start looks doubtful for me, so I'll be following in your footsteps. I assume I'll meet the group on Gray or Skylight heading in opposite directions. Thanks in advance for the trail prep work!