Skylight/Marcy, June 14

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Sep 8, 2003
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In spite of Irene and thanks to the ATIS crew trail to Panther Gorge from Elk Lake is in great shape, bridge across Marcy Brook is back up, planks are aligned and the newly cleared drainages are working wonder since even though it had rained for hours on Tuesday, the trail was as dry as an Adirondack one can be! The 1.2-mile to Four-Corners was lined by Bunchberry, Clintonia, Goldthread and even the occasional Rose Twisted Stalk in full bloom. It's for sure a steep rocky trail section but the scenery going either up or down is as spectacular as can be: Marcy's slides, Panther Gorge itself, Haystack towering rocky ledges, etc. Four-Corners usual spring welcome committee was in attendance which send us away within minutes not before noticing that in a few weeks numerous Narrow-leaved Closed Gentian will have that particular corner dark blue from rocks to rocks to rocks.

Of course both summits showcased numerous plants in full bloom, and we had a grand time using Nancy G. Slack Adirondack Alpine Summits field guide learning botanical names we, for the most part, had forgotten by the time we got home, but we will try again next year!