Smarts Brook to Sandwich and Jennings

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Oct 11,12 2008

Trail Conditions: Trails in very good shape and easy to follow, the logging mentioned in the WMG has been completed, so no confusion in this area. Several mud pits on the lower section, would not be bad, but they are covered with a layer of leaves just to make things interesting. Last water on the trail is at the brook crossing with the large boulders. The last 1/4 mile or so to the ridge is quite steep, but there is good footing.
One blow down on Sandwich Mountain Trail between Jennings and the Dome, a herd path is forming. One blow down on the spur to Jennings which is a crawl under.

Equipment: Camera for the views

Comments: Fantastic fall camping trip. A bunch of people low on Smarts Brook Trail, and a few during the day on the ridge, but few people camp in this area.