Snow and Ice on Ampersand

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Apr 2, 2005
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Decided to make one last fall trip to the Dacks this week. Set out this morning from Ottawa headed for Ampersand Mtn. Logged in the trail (102) register at 12:35 p.m., with five registered ahead of me. Starting walking over snow about 2200 feet in elevation. A single male hiker was returning in the area just before I encountered continuous snow. Next met two met on their way down who advised lots of ice and snow. They mentionned two women and their two dogs, one wearing running shoes. I met the women at an icy patch in the steep area above 2500 feet. They were taking a break and then turning back. I pushed on, with icy patches along the way making for very slippery footing. Summited just after 2 p.m. to a beautiful sunny afternoon, with clear views 360 degrees. Took photos of the Sewards, Dix range, and Saranac Lake system, had lunch (shared with a beagle named Sarah) that arrived with her owner, and then headed down. Descent throught the ice and snow zone was slippery and slower than usual. Passed an elderly gentlemen in-bound wearing a bright orange vest, then an elderly lady, also in an orange vest, in the last mile. Signed out around 4 p.m. Great hike. Decided not to continue on to Hurricane in Keene, due to trail conditions. Need to purchase instep crampons for days like this. Supper at the Noon Mark Dinner, then home.