Snowshoes for Jackson?

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New member
Mar 18, 2009
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Brunswick, ME.
No, not that Jackson, Maine's Jackson. North of Weld, right next to Tumbledown Mountain and Mount Blue. I'm going for a dayhike on Saturday and I'd rather not carry snowshoes if I can avoid it, but certainly don't want to posthole the whole way. So, am I gonna want the snowshoes?
Odds are you are going to want snowshoes at some point of the day. If its a cold night, you can probably bareboot your way up the mountain but once the sun comes out, the crust will get weak quickly and thats when you need them. If its real warm, you might even experience postholing with snow shoes!.
A serious question

If folks here on VFTT told you that you would not need snowshoes, would you leave them behind?

What then would your reaction be when, due to weather, snow, or any number of unforeseen conditions, you desperately needed snowshoes to get out of a bind?

Just my $0.02. Always bring what you think you need and a bit more of what you wonder about needing:D
If folks here on VFTT told you that you would not need snowshoes, would you leave them behind?

What then would your reaction be when, due to weather, snow, or any number of unforeseen conditions, you desperately needed snowshoes to get out of a bind?

Just my $0.02. Always bring what you think you need and a bit more of what you wonder about needing:D
I know I know... isn't asking if you need snowshoes in the mountains in April a little like asking if you need condoms at the whore house in the "good section" of town? Just sayin'... :D

-Dr. Wu
If folks here on VFTT told you that you would not need snowshoes, would you leave them behind?

I think he's looking for beta from someone here who has actually hiked there recently.

Without recent beta I figure it's like this: Until they're paying us to show up, it's all exercise. Bring the shoes and improve the workout.
Odds are you are going to want snowshoes at some point of the day. If its a cold night, you can probably bareboot your way up the mountain but once the sun comes out, the crust will get weak quickly and thats when you need them. If its real warm, you might even experience postholing with snow shoes!.

I agree. Bring 'em!
Don't you have to be a Gov. to answer the Dr.'s question?

But seriously, If it was a more often visited summit, like 4,052 jackson or the C-Path, I'd believe what I read here.

Isn't there a part of the current society that keeps finding excuses instead of taking responsibility for our own actions.....:rolleyes:
If you bring the shoes you can go for N Jackson as well and follow your snowshoes tracks back to Jackson.That'sice wack.
I guess it is human nature to think of ways to lighten the load.

It's more difficult to imagine the deep depths of snow when there's only a little patch left in the driveway where it was piled four feet high two weeks ago.

Bring your snowshoes. Show them how much you love them, that you aren't looking forward to the day they start becoming dust-covered again.

If someone thinks you look foolish for carrying them when you don't need them (unless it is summer or early fall), so what. :p
Don't forget your knife and first aid kit.....;):)

I never do ;)

It appears that I will be bringing the snowshoes. I went up Tumbledown twice in January/February, but this is my first year in Maine and I have no idea how long the snow pack stays in western Maine. Thanks guys.