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Mar 3, 2004
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Merrimac MA
I was thinking of doing So.Moat this weekend, does anyone know what the conditions are regarding the fire? Any issues with accessing from Duguay Road? Thanks Mike PS
Likewise I was thinking of a hike in the Attitash area that would redline for me but I'm reconsidering now. News reports are still saying only that the fire was "expected" to be 100% contained by Wednesday. I don't know anything about fire-fighting but I think I'd like to hear something more reassuring than "expected." We've had sprinkles here (Franconia) today but no significant rain fall, and I think the same would be true further east. I can see the same scenario (campfire sparks) repeating itself over the Thanksgiving week so I've decided to hike somewhere else for now, steeper terrain than campers would use. Maybe I'm paranoid or maybe when Disney's Bambi--that's the one with the forest fire, right?--first came out I was at an especially impressionable age. You could probably call the AMC Pinkham desk for info.

FYI I do not know the status of the fire but if is not out, I wouldnt personally hike in that area myself. I was hiking in Yosemite 2 yrs while a prescribe burn was going on nearby, inhaling that smoke made the hike most dissagreable.
Note: The trailhead has been relocated about .5 miles further down Dugway Road to bypass the private homes that the trail used to cross.

If concerned about the fire, I would call the Saco District ranger.