Somewhat More Extensive Owls Head Poll

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What should be done about the Owls Head situation?

  • FS should block the existing path with trees, arrest violators

    Votes: 2 1.5%
  • FS should remove signs/cairns but allow use

    Votes: 28 20.7%
  • FS should ignore the situation and let it be marked

    Votes: 26 19.3%
  • FS should declare it an official trail and maintain it

    Votes: 49 36.3%
  • FS should close it and build a better trail, like present Osseo Trail

    Votes: 19 14.1%
  • This is a silly poll

    Votes: 28 20.7%

  • Total voters


New member
Sep 4, 2003
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Note that multiple choices are allowed if you are ambivalent :)
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I voted to make it an official trail and maintain it... however, according to the ranger I spoke with, it's not really the forest service who can make it an official trail.. it's up to the public to take the necessary steps for the FS to declare it as such. :)
My vote would be: FS should remove signs/cairns but allow use

The genie is out of the bottle on this one, and he ain't going back.

And as far as silly polls, Roy has certainly done worse :D :D
If its a trail or not people are going to hike it. I dont see what all the drama is about. :confused:
My vote would be: FS should remove signs/cairns but allow use.

This is all sounding like a broken record. Owl's Head is Owl's Head.
IMHO, FS should remove signs and cairns, but allow hiking, because that's how the law stands. The rangers have to do that, but I don't think they have to be cutting down trees and blocking the trail in order to fulfill their duties.

I'd like to see the trail officially designated and maintained, but that's not the role of FS.

I don't do the list thing so I've never really had a real desire to hike to the summit. Once I was hiking to 13 Falls and I decided to climb up the slide for a view of Franconia Ridge. It's a very obvious route, at least to the top of the slide, but an official, singular trailbed would be a great thing for the mountain.
I can't believe that this remote, nothing of a mountain has caused such a fuss. I also can't believe that the forest service gives a hoot (pun intended) about Owl's head mountain. Lately it seems that their focus is on improving tourism through the installation of air conditioned bathrooms and nice welcome centers. Why do they care about this obscure peak? I would guess that 95% of visitors to Owls head probably care more about the mountain and "wilderness" than does the USFS. Anyone agree?
A dissenting opinion here, yet again. I'd be all for re-routing the OHP. Why bother going up the slide to the ridge and across? Why not start it before the blighted campsite area, sweeping across the slide rather that straight up it, switchbacking across for another view, then turning back again below the spring for a parallel cross to the true summit? Less erosion, eliminates the slide scrambles, etc. I'm willing to pack in with my tools to make this happen.
post'r boy said:
hey roy!!!
i say let it grow in. :eek: :D

i agree with ospreyboya on this! it probably ain't gonna happen what with everybody goin' up there to bag it for their 48 and all, but let it have some of that vaunted "backcountry flava" that all 'whackers crave. everyone knows where it is anyway, right?
Let it grow! Let people get a taste of unmarked/unmaintained on the 4k list so's when they start the "Highest Hundred" list they'll have an idea of what they're in for.

Also Been there, done that, didn't lose anything; no reason to go back.
forestnome said:
IMHO, FS should remove signs and cairns, but allow hiking, because that's how the law stands. The rangers have to do that, but I don't think they have to be cutting down trees and blocking the trail in order to fulfill their duties.

I'd like to see the trail officially designated and maintained, but that's not the role of FS.

I don't do the list thing so I've never really had a real desire to hike to the summit. Once I was hiking to 13 Falls and I decided to climb up the slide for a view of Franconia Ridge. It's a very obvious route, at least to the top of the slide, but an official, singular trailbed would be a great thing for the mountain.
FN is right a single route will help prevent herd paths . Tim Seaver is right this one is not going away they should take a lookk at how the climbing route on Pyramid Peak in Co was dear with un offical but maintainted route, to 13k . justthe climb to 12 k in the Ampitheather u is dangerous and tough but well worth it . Most do not go beyond that point any ways for obciois reasons . If you see the ropute you would know why .
I am pleased that 90 members have taken time to vote.

I'd like to see the trail officially designated and maintained, but that's not the role of FS.
Actually only the Forest Service can designate a trail in the NF, either by request or through their own planning process. Contrary to a statement in another note, the FS has proposed and built plenty of trails and could do so again. Typically the Forest Plan proposes an increase in trail mileage but it doesn't happen.

As for maintenance, FS trail crews handle plenty of trails so I'm not quite sure why you say it isn't their role. There would probably be a volunteer adopter, either direct or through AMC Trails.

I'd be all for re-routing the OHP. Why bother going up the slide to the ridge and across?
My thought was actually to come up from the Franconia Brook side, perhaps starting near the FranBrk/LincBrk junction. This would vastly reduce the number of brook crossings, and would greatly reduce traffic on the Lincoln Brook Trail making that part of the Wilderness much more wild. I'm sure there will be plenty of chance to comment if they actually choose this option.

who on earth here would propose the trail be blocked!
Of course I can't tell if the votes cast for that option are by Wilderness purists who genuinely feel that way, but there are such people even if they don't read this board.

The genie is out of the bottle on this one, and he ain't going back.
You might be surprised, typically FS managers rotate every couple of years and the new manager might be more like those who left things alone for 40 years.
The genie is out of the bottle on this one, and he ain't going back.

You might be surprised, typically FS managers rotate every couple of years and the new manager might be more like those who left things alone for 40 years.

I think you misunderstand. My "genie" is the hiker traffic generated by the fact that the Owl's Head path is marked on zillions of maps - suddenly trying to "revert" the trail in such a crude fashion (trying to get the genie back in) after so much momentum has built up is silly, destructive, and short sighted, IMHO.
CaptCaper there are a lot of places you can't get to on a trail in the White's. Making OH an unmaintianed trail isn't going to send the FS on more searches.
Owl's Head

I say- let's fence it in and put up armed guards. :p

I don't understand the controversy- bushwhackers are going to visit it regardless. :D
sweeper said:
CaptCaper there are a lot of places you can't get to on a trail in the White's. Making OH an unmaintained trail isn't going to send the FS on more searches.

I think the problem is that this unmaintained trail is on all the AMC maps (and there is no indication that it is NOT an official trail). Those trying to bag the 48 are going to be drawn to that spot to take that trail to the summit and find no indication that they would be used to seeing for the trail. Perhaps this will cause no problem for 99 out of 100 hikers but there may be some, especially in bad weather, etc, who will panic and despair and so on. I believe, in the best case, this trail (or another route) should be adopted by the AMC but, at the very least, a cairn should be maintained.
As I remember it, (it's been way too many years since I've been there) most of the trail is a slide. It's only when you get towards the top there's a trail. the trail isn't going to disappaer It will become a well worn herd path and visable for many years.

Also as I remember it OH is one of the two (2) that is most likely to be hiked last of the 48. Most people have developed at least a few trail finding skills by that time.

Lastly due to the distances involved (even w/ the bushwack) to climb this peak I would assume, (and we know where that'll lead you) that it's one of the leasted hiked peak solo especially by the faint of heart.

OK one more point for those with old maps and older memories. At the trailhead put up a sign, (not that, that will mean anything to your 1 - 100).

While we're at it maintain or remove the trail at the hiegth-o-land on the Lincolin Brk Tr. That's nothing but a swamp up there.
Tim Seaver said:
I think you misunderstand. My "genie" is the hiker traffic generated by the fact that the Owl's Head path is marked on zillions of maps - suddenly trying to "revert" the trail in such a crude fashion (trying to get the genie back in) after so much momentum has built up is silly, destructive, and short sighted, IMHO.
Yes I did.

This is a very good issue, as others have mentioned people with current-edition maps and guidebooks will expect to find a marked trail there and may get lost hunting for it. At the very least, the FS should post at the trailhead and on their website that the markings are being removed so hikers will not expect them.

As far as I know, there is no critical habitat or endangered species on the summit of Owls Head. The last thing the FS needs is for people to hike Franconia Ridge instead.