South and Middle Carter via 19 MB, CDT, CMT, NCT, Imp Tr, BW (2-25-12)

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Jan 28, 2010
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NH Seacoast
Date of Hike: 25 February 2012

Trail Conditions:

Even after the snow, 19-mile Brook Trail was quickly barebootable again. Carter Dome Trail had 8-12 inches fresh powder with two sets of boot tracks. Carter Moriah Trail was broken out by two ahead of me until a couple tenths short of South Carter's summit. From here on CMT and the rest of the trails, the trail was unbroken. The ridge had a variety of drifts from 3-4 feet in depth (and some really big ones) alternating with stretches of trail averaging 1-2 feet in depth. The North Carter Trail had a foot +/- and the Imp maybe 6-12 inches of powder.

Special Equipment Required: Wore snowshoes most of the day and were essential for breaking trail. Cold weather gear and wind protection esp. along the ridge.

Comments: Great day in the mountains with snow falling much of the time I was out there. As usual, the Carter ridge did not disappoint with big snow drifts along the section between summits. The wind was tearing through the col between Lethe and North Carter. Thanks to the two guys that broke it out most of the way to South Carter. The ridge between South and Middle was tough in spots, fun in others, but the descent once over Lethe through soft, unbroken powder was fantastic. It was nice to do some trail breaking again....not that I want to do that every hike :D