South branch of the Bouquet

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Dec 25, 2003
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Northampton, MA
Last time I explored the E. side of Spotted Mt. I started in along the S.Branch of the Bouquet where the car camping area is off 73. Within short order it seemed like climbing the bank to the west seemed like a good idea because the river valley seemed to be constricting. It did seem to be a good idea because the forest was open and flat and provided beautiful snowshoeing all the way to the wet lands that are about a mile in along the Boquet. However, climbing that bank with a full 4day pack was very strenuous and also made for a slightly longer route, so I was wondering what it would have been like to stay down by the river. The mapping software shows a very even gradiant but the ariel photos show what could be some real obstacles, esp.if snowshoeing with a full pack. Does anybody have any knowledge of that section of river valley? Buddy
Do you mean from the small PA just to the North of the junction of 73 and 9?

There is an excellent hunter's trail that leads to the junction of the S fork and the south trib of the S. Fork (at the foot of ETown 4). It stops there.
Hey buddy and Neil,

Here's a little more info: That parking area is actually on the N fork of the Boquet. The path that Neil describes is on the SE side of the N fork. It travels for about 3/4 mile on the SE side, then crosses the N fork at a flat rock area called the bear slide. After crossing, it continues on the NW side of the brook, crossing a tributary. It then crosses the N fork again, and continues past Lillypad Pond to meet the S fork.

Watch out for side trails: at the first crossing, there's a side trail to the left that climbs a steep bank and then continues to Rhododendron Pond; just before the fianl crossing of the N fork, there is a side trail to the right that follows the N fork up into it's spectacular canyon.

Also, Neil, the last time I used that trail in summer, it continued solid all the way to the foot of the E Dix slide. (I don't know if it still does, that was about 8 years ago.)

TCD, I'm not referring to that trail. I'm referring to the one that follows the South Fork from where it crosses the 73. It leads you to the other side of the Grace-Spotted ridge line.
Sorry guys, my error. buddy, when you referred to the car camping area I thought you were talking abou the N fork crossing of 73, which is most commonly used for car camping.

Neil, which bank of the S fork has the trail that you're describing? I have been on the fish stocking trail that leads right from the pullout along the NW bank, but it ends fairly quickly. I've also been on the trail along the SE bank that ends at the camping area at the junction of the S trib, but when I followed that trail out from the junction, it swerved away from the river, East into private land, before reaching the road. I don't know about a continuous trail from the road to the junction, but I'd love to find out!

Thanks in advance for any info. I never get tired of exploring the Boquet!
