"South of the Kan"


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New member
Sep 8, 2003
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Warwick, NY ( 3 miles by crow from Wildcat Shelter
WHITE MOUNTAIN TRIP XV This is the fifteeth annual trip I am leading to the White Mountains 7/31 thru 8/7. On this trip I am featuring the ascent of all the 4,ooo footers in the Whites south of NH 112, thus "South of the Kan". Also including some other non-4,000 footer hikes. I have room for one female as I have one woman amongst us who is looking to share a room at the Gilcrest Cottages. She has a room reserved with two double beds and is looking for a roommate for the 7 nights. Cost is $157 for the shared room for the week. This is a trip of a series of strenuous dayhikes (no backpacking). If any interest, please e-mail me at: [email protected] for the entire trip itinerary and send me your hiking background and experience.
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This thread may have got lost so I am sorry to bother you readers, but I want to give it another shot as I am still looking to add another female to our group. The vacancy is still there and I wanted to bring it back to the forefront.