Southern Whites Blitz – July 5th – 10th

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Papa Bear

New member
Sep 3, 2003
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New York City
This season I’m cleaning up the remainder of both the Hundred Highest List (including some 4Ks) as well as the Fifty Finest List. My planned last peak will be Carrigain which is on all my lists, hopefully this Fall.

In New Hampshire it turns out almost all my missing peaks are south of the Pemi. In fact, of all these peaks I have only managed to do the Osecolas.

So starting July 5th and through the following weekend I will try to pick off as many of these as I can. The list follows, grouped by day, although the actual order of which to do on what day is not set. I plan to stay at the bunkhouse at the Highland Center and then perhaps move to Hikers paradise on the weekend. Are there any cheap places in the Lincoln/N. Woodstock area? I don't know of any since Cascade Lodge closed.

South Nancock

North Tripyramid
Middle Tripyramid
(route up North Slide down South Slide)

(route from Ferncroft)

East Sleeper (either from Tripyramids or from Whiteface)

Sandwich Dome

Vose Spur
(a car spot would help)

Scar Ridge (from Kanc)

Any company would be very welcome. Since more of you may be available on the weekend, let me know if you’re interested in particular peaks on those days. Routes are somewhat negotiable.
Parking questions

I'm thinking about logistics for the above hikes, and the question of parking fees comes up.

Question: can you get a week's parking pass? I know you can pay by the day or get a season pass, how about a week?

Specific trail heads which require fees and which do not?

Hancocks - Hancock Notch trailhead on Kanc

Tripyramids - I know: Livermore Road lot costs, Cascade Brook lot is free

Whiteface & Passaconaway - Blueberry Ledge trailhead (Ferncroft)

- Waterville valley Ski area
Sandwich Dome - Sandwich Mt. Trailhead on Rte 49

- Nancy Pond trailhead on Rte 302
Vose Spur - Signal Ridge trailhead on Sawyer Rd

Scar Ridge - Big Rock campground on Kanc

Lastly: is there a scheme or method I could use to figure this out myself?

adamiata said:
I'd be interested in either the Vose Spur or Scar Ridge on a weekend day. I should be able to help out with a car spot for V.P. Sounds fun.
Those two hikes are exactly what I was thinking of doing on the weekend as they probably will attract the most interest.

For Nancy/Vose Spur, we could meet at the Nancy Pond trailhead on Rte 302, then drive down to Sawyer Road and start the hike from there. Since Vose is a tougher bushwhack, I'd rather leave Nancy to the later part of the day.

For Scar Ridge, I'd like to do the route from Big Rock up the ridge to the canister bump, then tag the true saummit bump (definately) and Middle Peak (maybe) if there is time and energy left.

PM or email me with contact information. If there is more general interest we can post the exact itinerary and meeting times here closer to the date.
Papa Bear said:
I'm thinking about logistics for the above hikes, and the question of parking fees comes up.

Question: can you get a week's parking pass? I know you can pay by the day or get a season pass, how about a week?
1 day ....... $3
1 week .... $5
1 year .... $20

I just get a year pass and forget about the issue. (I go up multiple times throughout the year.)

You mention Cascade Brook Lot. I assume it is because of my recommendation, but I don't know of any Cascade Brook Lot. It is the Mt. Snow ski area lot in Waterville Valley and on the north end of the lot you pick up the development road up hill to the trailhead for Cascade Brook. You are right - no WMNF fee.
askus3 said:
You mention Cascade Brook Lot. I assume it is because of my recommendation, but I don't know of any Cascade Brook Lot. It is the Mt. Snow ski area lot in Waterville Valley and on the north end of the lot you pick up the development road up hill to the trailhead for Cascade Brook. You are right - no WMNF fee.
Yes, it is the Snows Mountain Ski Area lot. "Cascade Brook lot" was shorthand. And the trail is actually called the "Cascade Path" in the WMG.
Waterville Valley from I-93 north of the Kanc

Another question to the Cognicenti: If I'm staying in the Lincoln/North Woodstock area, or coming down I-93 from further up the notch, is it quicker to take Tripoli Road to get to Waterville Valley, or should I go further down I-93 and take Rte 49 in to Waterville Valley?

I would take Tripoli Road. Also, if you want a short mini-hike of 5 miles off Tripoli Road, check out the Little East Pond-East Pond loop hike of 5 miles. Nice mini-hike. Coming up 49, you have not seen Waterville Valley without doing the Welch-Dickey mini-hike. You could probably combine the Tecumseh hike with Welch-Dickey on the same day making a resonable 10 mile day.

I like the Sandwich Dome Hike from Jose's Bridge. A lengthy circular would be to go first to Guinea Pond & Black Mountain Pond and Algonquin Trail and return via Bennett Street Trail. That is a 13 mile circular but a different approach worth taking.
I'd be interested in coming along on the Scar Ridge and Vose Spur hikes.

Papa Bear - Vose Spur really isn't that hard a bushwack - there is a Herd Path most of the way - it runs along the spine of the ridge. At the top it is very very step requiring the use of arms and legs to pull yourself up - luckily there are plenty of trees to use.

For Scar Ridge - hope for a cool day - you will need long pants and shirt if you want to keep from being all scratched up.

If you find someone else to go with you for a car spot you might consider doing the Tripyramids, Whiteface, Passaconaway and East Sleeper as a one way trip.

Have fun!
askus3 said:
I would take Tripoli Road. Also, if you want a short mini-hike of 5 miles off Tripoli Road, check out the Little East Pond-East Pond loop hike of 5 miles. Nice mini-hike. Coming up 49, you have not seen Waterville Valley without doing the Welch-Dickey mini-hike. You could probably combine the Tecumseh hike with Welch-Dickey on the same day making a resonable 10 mile day.

I like the Sandwich Dome Hike from Jose's Bridge. A lengthy circular would be to go first to Guinea Pond & Black Mountain Pond and Algonquin Trail and return via Bennett Street Trail. That is a 13 mile circular but a different approach worth taking.
Thanks for the ideas Aaron. If we get past the list members, we'll try some of these other areas.
MEB said:
I'd be interested in coming along on the Scar Ridge and Vose Spur hikes.

great Meb

I'm thinking that I will do the Scar Ridge hike on Saturday and the Vose Spur/Nancy hike on Sunday. That's partly so that on Sunday I can drive on up to Gorham since we'll be up on Rte 302 by that point. But this is a "soft" reason so we could change it if someone had a special reason.

I've also reserved a spot for myself at the Mooselauke Ravine Lodge for Tuesaday through Saturday nights, in case anyone is interested in staying over locally. It's about 10 miles off I-93, west of North Woodstock. This should allow a nice early start.

I'll confirm all plans and times late next week.
Scar Ridge on Saturday interests me. What time would you be starting?
Papa Bear, You got my attention on the Scaur ridge and Vose/Nancy attempts. When will you decide for sure on your itinerary and any weather changes. Will you have access to posting while you're on your sojourn from the 5th on? I would be a weekender as well, coming in from Canaan NH on these days. sue/ctsparrow
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I've got the Tripyramids under my belt but would likely be game for any of the others. Hope you'll be posting your itinerary as you come up with it.
ctsparrow said:
Papa Bear, You got my attention on the Scaur ridge and Vose/Nancy attempts. When will you decide for sure on your itinerary and any weather changes. Will you have access to posting while you're on your sojourn from the 5th on? I would be a weekender as well, coming in from Canaan NH on these days. sue/ctsparrow
vegematic said:
I've got the Tripyramids under my belt but would likely be game for any of the others. Hope you'll be posting your itinerary as you come up with it.
My current thinking is:

Tuesday: Hancocks (9.8 miles, 6:15) (must first drive up from Boston area)
Wednesday: Whiteface, Passaconaway plus East Sleeper (14.6 miles, 8:50)
Thursday: Tecumseh plus Sandwich Dome (12.8 miles, 8:40)
Friday: Tripyramids (11 miles, 7:00)

I may switch Tripyramids to an earlier day if Friday looks rainy since I'll be doing the North Slide

Saturday: Scar Ridge (6 miles, 6:00)
Sunday: Vose Spur plus Nancy (14.9 miles, 10:45) (need car spot)

Assume most hikes will start at 8:00 AM (obviously not Hancocks)

The times quoted are book times plus an estimate for the bushwhacks. I tend to do book time on the flats but I can often climb faster than 1000'=30 min. for moderate slopes. So I would expect to do better than those times on most of the hikes. If the Vose/Nancy herd paths are easy to find and to hike (as I'm told), then Sunday's time should definately be quicker that the estimate. I suspect when we have more that 3 hikers, we will be able to accomodate a reasonable spread in pace. But please be prepared to get through the distances.

I will finalize this - and give me some feedback if a particular day and hike appeals to you - late next week. I will be in the Boston area over the weekend (July 1-4) and will have internet access while there.

I will try to get internet access at North Woodstock during that week but it's not gauranteed. Anyone who want's to meet on any of these days (several have already said they would for the weekend), PM me with your contact information including phone and I can call for any big changes in plans.
sounds like a great trip. I will be in that area From Fri July 8 to Sunday the 10. We plan on doing Tripyramids Sat with an overnight then Whiteface, Passaconoway and pick up Tecumseh on Sunday. May be a slim chance that we may cross paths.