Southern Whites Blitz – July 5th – 10th

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(slightly) Revised Itinerary

Hi folks. I thought about this a little more, and moved the Tripyramids up to Wednesday plus added a bit more of where to meet. As of now there is one or two interested for the weekdays and perhaps three for the weekend.

Tuesday: Hancocks (9.8 miles)
Meet at Hancock Notch Trailhead on Kanc probably around 11:00 - 11:30 AM. I am driving up from the Boston area. If you want to meet, give me a number to call and I will call you when I'm about a hour away.

Wednesday: Tripyramids via the slides (11 miles)
Meet at Snows Mountain Ski Area parking lot in Waterville Valley at 8:00 AM. We will start up the Cascade Path rather than the Livermore Road. If I have time and energy I may do Tecumseh afterwards.

Thursday: Whiteface, Passaconaway and East Sleeper (14.6 miles)
Meet at Blueberry Ledge Trailhead in Ferncroft at 8:00 AM. If you want to skip East Sleeper, you will save 3.2 miles.

Friday: Sandwich Dome (7.8 miles) plus Tecumseh (5 miles)
Note: I may do Tecumseh earlier in the week.
Meet at Sandwhich Mountain Trailhead near Waterville Valley at 8:00 AM.

Saturday: Scar Ridge (6 miles bushwhack) This is considered one of the toughest bushwhacks of the NEHH.
Meet at Big Rock campground parking on the Kanc at 8:00. I intend to hit the cannister bump and the true summit bump. If it's going well, I will try for Middle Peak.

Sunday: Vose Spur and Nancy (14.9 miles) Two bushwhacks with established herd paths.
Meet at Nancy Pond trailhead on 302 at 8:00 AM. We will pile into one car and start at the Signal Ridge Trailhead on Sawyer River Road.

Lodging: I have booked a bunk at Mooselauke Ravine Lodge (run by the DOC) for Tuesday through Saturday nights. About 7-8 miles out of N. Woodstock.

Sometime today I will PM those of you who have expressed interest. Please reply by Thursday this week confirming.
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Friday: Sandwich Dome (7.8 miles) plus Tecumseh (5 miles)

PB, if you meet at Sandwich Dome trailhead first take RT49 off I93 not Tripoli rd.

To me the Mt Tecumseh trail is much more interesting from Tripoli road rather than from the #6 parking lot at Waterville Valley ski area. You hike over a shoulder of Tecumseh with a nice view of Franconia ridge. The trailheads aren't too far apart, enjoy. Here's a very old map of the area.
Papa Bear said:
Wednesday: Tripyramids via the slides (11 miles)
Meet at Snows Mountain Ski Area parking lot in Waterville Valley at 8:00 AM. We will start up the Cascade Path rather than the Livermore Road. If I have time and energy I may do Tecumseh afterwards.

Thursday: Whiteface, Passaconaway and East Sleeper (14.6 miles)
Meet at Blueberry Ledge Trailhead in Ferncroft at 8:00 AM. If you want to skip East Sleeper, you will save 3.2 miles.
Be sure to bag NW Sleeper as you are coming down the slide as it may make the list someday. In fact I would suggest that is the best way to E Sleeper as well.
Roy, I have been to NW Sleeper 2 or 3 times and have never found a register. Also, it seems as though the actual summit is just a few feet off the trail, is this correct in your opinion.
dms said:
Roy, I have been to NW Sleeper 2 or 3 times and have never found a register. Also, it seems as though the actual summit is just a few feet off the trail, is this correct in your opinion.
There is probably no register because it's not a listed peak, although it's about as likely to have a 200' col as Peak above the Nubble and more likely than S Hancock.

It is certainly not as close as the quad shows but less than 50 yards and 10 vertical feet, I have not measured it. Some people who hike by on the Sleeper Trail and don't take the herd path probably count it, but that doesn't apply to PB hiking by on the South Slide Trail :)
Papa Bear said:
Sunday: Vose Spur and Nancy (14.9 miles) Two bushwhacks with established herd paths.
Meet at Nancy Pond trailhead on 302 at 8:00 AM. We will pile into one car and start at the Signal Ridge Trailhead on Sawyer River Road.
Seriously considering joining you on Vose Spur/Nancy Hike... Dr. Wu and Jess. Can you afford two extra people at this point?

-Dr. Wu
P.B.: How are you planning to do Vose Spur and Nancy? Will we be going through Carrigain Notch and around Mt. Lowell after bagging Vose Spur and coming into the Norcross/Nancy Pond area from the West or will we be doing both peaks as out-and-backs?
Message from Papabear

Hi everyone, I just spoke with Papabear by phone and he wanted me to relay the message that he doesn't have internet access right now as he's camping in NH. I don't believe he's checked the thread recently because of this.

If you're planning on going to Vose Spur he asked me to tell you to meet him at 8AM as planned and please don't be late. He said he doesn't mind extra people coming along so please feel welcome, that if there's a lot of people you could always split into 2 groups. If you need Papabears cell phone# you can always e-mail or PM me for it. I don't think his reception is very good in the Whites but you could always leave him a message.

I hope everyone has a great hike! I really wanted to do this hike but am stuck in NYC this weekend recording.:rolleyes: Take care, Fred
Here I am on briefly in Lincoln Mall.

Tomorrow Scar Ridge: meet at the"Discovery Trail" parking just east of Big Rock. Don't be late. Bring:

Map & Compass
plenty of water
long clothes
eye protection
A good spirit.

I doesn't matter if it rains, there ain't no view anyway.

Woodstock Station after we're done.

Sunday: Vose Spur and Nancy - all are welcome. We meet at the Nancy Pond trailhead on 302 (8:00 ready to hike!). leave some cars, drive down to Sawyer Rd and start at the what'sis trail head and do Vose Spur first, then keep going up to get Nancy and then out. Then we get the right people in the right cars.