SouthMeadow, Algonquin, Iroquois, Avalanche Lake (9/07)

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September 07
Old road from South Meadow to Marcy Dam was in fine shape. Gravel and grass.

Crossover to the ADK-to_Algonquin trail had less mud than usual, but still had some damp spots.

Ascent of Algonquin very dry. A swarm of bees attacked us and previous groups about 2/3 of the way around the most recent new trail (bypass of an old eroded section). Essential gear: bee keeper's uniform (joke).

Descent on Algonquin to the Iroquois herd path was dry and easy on open rock.

Despite very dry weather, the herdpath to Iroquios still has standing water/mud in a few spots in cols on both sides of Boundary. There are a couple steep scrambles on this route. Glorious place to have lunch as the clouds piled to the west but the east was clear.

From the Algonquin col to Lake Colden, over to Avalanche Lake, and back to Marcy Dam, the trail was clear and dry.

Maps and pics

Note: rain on 09/09 may have significantly dampened things.

Cliff Reiter