Square Ledge (Albany)


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Well-known member
Nov 13, 2004
Reaction score
New hampshire
MY dog continues his quest to complete his second round of the 52wav list, this was #49. We are adding some of the de-listed peaks on this round to add some variety. We took the Olivarian Brook trail from the Kanc and the trails that go along with it. The trails are fantastic, mostly dirt providing an incredible footbed. Multiple stream crossings, all safe and I only got my boots wet once and that was because I was too lazy to look for a better way and we were heading out anyway. The summit is pretty tree'ed in now, but there some lookouts here and there if you wander around. It's quite a steep climb up the cone, featuring one steep cliff, I couldn't believe my dog ran up. On the decent, I held his lead tight, and he walked right down it, like Batman used to walk the sides of buildings. Ironically, my last time on this trail was 12-16-84, breaking trail solo and failing high up on the cone of Passaconaway. I still remember losing the trail and not giving up until fatigue and the waning day won out. Hard to believe it's been 39 years since my last visit. I was very impressed with this hike, the forest and fauna, not to mention the wildness of the valley was Zen full and my second visit was worth the wait. 3 more to go, then round 3 is up, we plan to hit them all winter.
Shay is way ahead of me as I sit on 34, and that includes delisted peaks Hibbard and West Royce. I like the Sandwich Range Wilderness and did a solo loop over Wonalancet, Hibbard, and Hedgehog a few years ago. I enjoyed that weekday hike and maybe saw 5 people all day. Some nice open ledges below Wonalancet if I remember correctly. I guess there was once a view from Hibbard but not by the time I passed by. Hoping to add a few more 52s in the near future.
Shay is way ahead of me as I sit on 34, and that includes delisted peaks Hibbard and West Royce. I like the Sandwich Range Wilderness and did a solo loop over Wonalancet, Hibbard, and Hedgehog a few years ago. I enjoyed that weekday hike and maybe saw 5 people all day. Some nice open ledges below Wonalancet if I remember correctly. I guess there was once a view from Hibbard but not by the time I passed by. Hoping to add a few more 52s in the near future.
The Sandwich Range Trails that are off the 4k's have a unique and remote feel to them. The forest along these trails is quite magnificent and the streams and old roads lend to a very enjoyable experience. Hibbard was wooded when we got to it as well, but it's sometimes the walk there that makes a trip. Square ledge is not very open, but I will climb it again for sure, the trails to it were really nice and the cone presented a challenging scramble. that gave me and my dog a good time. one thing I always notice in the Sandwich Range as well, animals and their signs.