Start planning - 2024 Eclipse path runs over Katahdin

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Tom,sorry about your Hawaii experience. I know a couple of families from work who planned their vacations in usually sunny Hawaii during the eclipse. They got rained on all day.
My G/F's family has a camp on Honeoye Lake (Finger Lakes). We are planning to stay there for a few days. Hope the weather cooperates!
I was surprised to see this headline Thursday in my local paper The Caledonian Record: "Bethlehem Prepares For 2024 Total Solar Eclipse, And Big Crowds
Informational Event Scheduled For June 21 At The Colonial Theatre."

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They are taking it pretty seriously on the state level with a law proclaiming "Solar Eclipse Day", and a state task force and the state marketing agency involved. Even mention of the state ordering 200,000 pairs of higher quality eclipse glasses.

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