step in crampons AND leather boots

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2004
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Long Island NY
Tried searching but no luck...had to buy step in crampons and koflach's last season...i'd like to find leather boots for easy winter hikes and use the step in's and not buy new strap on crampons ...i remember EMS had something last year but i don't see it now...thx..(i really did try last year but rushed into it to go to the gathering)..the koflach are overkill on most catskill hikes..
Some leather mountaineering might accept them if they use a stiff enough modern vibram sole. But the stiffer they are for crampon use the less flexible they'll be for approaches.

This lack of interchangability is a good arguement for strap on or hybrid type crampons (if you aren't front pointing).

Hope this helps,
David, look for a little (1/4") green dot in the Vibram sole. That's supposed to mean that the boots are stiff enough for crampons, probably including the step-in kind. For example, regular heavy Limmers have the dot, and I can use my step-ins with them.
If you are handy, why not attach your own straps on the step ins? The bails are attached to the same points the straps would normally hook up to. One of my friends bought the Cassin aluminum crampons not realizing they are step ins and converted em. Last year when we hiked together, they were just as good as my Grivels, no slipping or complaints at all.

Which crampons do you have?
hard to explain but i need to start at the beginning, get good comfortable leather boots and then find crampons to fit it...

Paul ron...never thought of that...Grivel 14's (yea, i know, overkill, that's what they had left in conway)

Pete...i only have 1 pair of boots and their the same ones used for Cabot and the Vermont hikes.... when i bought them i didn't try on any others or really know what i was going to get myself into....they do work for walking but they are built in such a way that strap on's don't fit correctly...3 stores tried different crampons on them...that's why i bought the koflachs...

nice to know that i'm thinking of ice when my knee hurts, the power of the mind...
So let's start at the beginning: what boots do you have? Make & model?
I have Scarpa Cerro Torres and they fit almost all crampons with no probs
they are excellent boots
There are more and more leather boots that are step-in compatable. Since a plastic double-boot is often overkill for a day hike, the last few years have seen some models pop up. I use some Salomon's, which I find to be the most comfortable boot I've ever worn. They are going to be much stiffer than your typical leather boot, as they often have a full plastic rand that runs between the boot and the sole. They are made to take a step-in crampon.

I have La Sportiva Makalu Mountaineering boots. All leather with a step-in compatible sole. I already had a pair of strap-on crampons when I bought the la Sportivas, so I can't comment on how well they work with step-ins.
I bought a pair of EMS Aretes last year. The are set up to accept step in crampons, but I haven't tried them with that type of crampon yet. I suggest that you bring your crampons with you when you go to try on boots, just to make sure the boot and crampon are compatible.
coldfeet said:
hard to explain but i need to start at the beginning, get good comfortable leather boots and then find crampons to fit it...

Coldfeet, I think you are on the right track here.

My current choice for this the following combo:
+ 1/2 shank leather hiking boots
+ OR X-Gaiters
+ Vapor Barrier Socks
+ SMC hinged 10pt Crampons with Scottish style straps

If I had the bucks, I would upgrade the crampons to a lighter pair of strap ons. Grivels maybe?

In any event, the key is the boots. New school boots with modern (drier welts) might include things like the La Sportiva Glacier.
or Vasque Alpine

Old school boots include the Limmer or Scarpa Rio

More details are at the link below. Hope this helps.
Thx everyone for the suggestions....I seem to be stuck in the twilight zone of working and family things...i hope to take everyone's suggestions and start looking.....just a little nervous asking "mrs. coldfeet" for some $ for boots... last season i went to campmor, ems, rock/snow and 2 stores in nyc with no luck....will try again things.... to bad Home Depot doesn't have a hiking section...i'm there often....thx and i'll let u know what happens in a few weeks...let's end the thread...i have to many posts and little experience...

Pete,,,(i still consider myself a rookie)