Storm King, Butter Hill, Mount Misery and Black Rock (Hudson Highlands)

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Date of Hike: 2/2/08

Trail Conditions: Started at Route 9W and took the Butter Hill trail and the Highlands trail to the top of Butter Hill and Storm King. The trail was steep and icy, with some glare ice. Crampons would definitely be overkill but some other form of traction was necessary. Once we made it to the By-Pass trail, no traction was necessary but wet leaves made it slippery. For the 2nd half of the hike, we crossed over into Black Rock Forest and started at the Reservoir Road trailhead. Took the Duggan Trail to the Reservoir Trail to the Highlands Trail up to the top of Mount Misery. The North side of Mount Misery was slippery and required traction but the South side was clear of ice. We continued along the Highlands trail to the top of Black Rock. Just a light coating of snow with a mix of wet leaves, so no traction was necessary. Came back down Black Rock and headed back to the trailhead via Black Rock Hollow Trail. There were a couple trail reroutes due to the former trail being severely eroded.

Special Equipment Required: Some form of traction was necessary in some parts (stabilicers, yak traks, etc).

Comments: Nice hike in the West Hudson Highlands. The views from these peaks were outstanding, even if the weather was overcast and a bit dreary.