Strangest trail activity you've observed?

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Early Bird, Paradox and me did the Carters Nov of '07. It was not a warm, dry November. It was really cold and had snowed. Just as we reached the intersection to Carter Notch Hut, we were passed by a college girl in pajamas and slippers, maybe even bathrobe. No pack/water/boots/jacket. Nada. She had come up 19 Mile Brook, and was headed to the hut, where I'm sure she was welcomed. Or maybe it was a dream.
...huge snowshoe hare ... just kept coming, soon running right straight through the group of us...I could have bent over and scooped it up.

This happened to me in Shenandoah National Park, but it was a fawn doing the charging... while mama watched.

...nearly walked right over a bare-assed couple actively engaged in flagrante delicto in the middle of the path.

Encountered a pair of these years ago in the Blue Hills. :p

Birthday suits: on Mt. Bierstadt in CO, Laurel Highlands Trail in PA, and a few on the AT 6/21.

Probably the weirdest thing I've encountered recently was 5 black bears feeding on a dead cow at 11,000 feet on the way up Capitol Peak in CO. :eek:
I had a fawn brush by my leg on a rail trail, again with mama about 50 feet away snorting for it to come back.

Mowing the lawn last year "our" coyote cut through the yard about 30' from me. I stopped and he stopped and we were both looking at each other. I made the "tch tch tch" noise, like calling your dog or cat, and the 'yote actually took several steps towards me before deciding to, calmly, continue on his way. This happens often with the deer in the yard. For some reason they are much less concerned with me on the mower than when I'm back there with my bow. :cool:
Mowing the lawn last year "our" coyote cut through the yard about 30' from me. I stopped and he stopped and we were both looking at each other. I made the "tch tch tch" noise, like calling your dog or cat, and the 'yote actually took several steps towards me before deciding to, calmly, continue on his way. This happens often with the deer in the yard. For some reason they are much less concerned with me on the mower than when I'm back there with my bow. :cool:

On a short hike near our house, my wife encountered 4-5 coyotes feeding on a deer, c. 10 feet away. One looked up at her, blood dripping from its mouth, then thankfully went back to eating as my wife did an about-face. I went back there about a week later and there was nothing but a skeleton left.