Street and Nye, 1-5-08

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New member
Feb 12, 2005
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Avatar is on Gannett Peak, Wyoming's high point.
Trail Conditions: Very nice snowshoe track for most of the way to Street. Occassional sections with deep snow where it is difficult to get a good grip. Lots of false trails heading off the main one, but with just a little bit of attention, you won't lose your way. Trail over to Nye was unbroken. I found a very deep spruce trap along the way and wandered over some crappy blowdown trying not to fall in another one. So if you follow my tracks, don't swear too loudly at me!

Special Equipment: Snowshoes necessary. Poles helpful.

Comments: Lots of beautiful snow all over the place, hanging in the trees, on the ground. Stepping "off trail" can mean falling into some deep stuff! I hiked late in the day, and as temps started to rise on the way out, the snow started to get incredibly sticky on the shoes.

If you are one of the three guys I met on the trail and lost something, PM me. I found it!
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