Street and Nye, Jan 1, '12

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New Years day hike up Street and Nye. I crossed the Indian Pass broke with some careful steps across some decent stones and a few blocks of thick ice. On the way back the warm day had taken its toll on the ice but I was still able to get back across mostly unscathed. Colder weather in the last couple of days may have solidified the crossing. Met 3 other groups on the trail, one of whom had brought water shoes and left them on the far bank for their return trip. Climb up was mostly uneventful with little snow untill ~ 3500ft and only a few icy spots. I put on microspikes up high more because I had brought them then an actual need for traction. 4 or 5 inches of snow at the top of Street. Some new views have opened up off of Nye (most likely after Irene?) as the trees seem much thinner than I recall after my last trip. Lovely sunny day which was an unexpected bonus.