Street and Nye

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The brook is melted partially making crossing interesting. I was over my ankles in water (good gaters). The trail is well packed and follows the path to close to the col between S&N. Then this too gets interesting. I followed multiple tracks toward Street only to watch them stop in at least 3 different directions and double back. After trying for an hour to figure out where I should be going I backtracked, took a compass bearing and bushwhacked to the summit through the deep snow. I came out directly under the sign. Went back down on what appeared to be the herd path and it met my tracks! Sorry for all the false trails. It was snowing hard so maybe they will disappear. My tracks will get you to the top though. Set off for Nye breaking trail and following instinct (memory). Found prints only at the summit. I made no false trails to Nye, so following me will be less annoying.