Street & Nye

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We hiked up Street & Nye Saturday. We took the trail from Heart Lake. There was about 2 to 3 inches of snow from the start. The trail was easy to follow from the start following the footsteps of the last hikers. When we got to the brook we found the tree that the last hikers had placed to cross and appreciated it for it would have been difficult to cross without it. We did put stabilicers on before the crossing and used them for the remainder of the hike. Pole were also necessary for the brook crossing. We continued up to the col where the trail split to Street and Nye. It looked like the last hiker only went to Nye as the footprints we had been following only went to Nye. There was a little blowdown on the way, but not too bad. We quickly made it to Nye and then returned to the trail junction which is marked by two cairns. We then went on to Street which was more difficult as there were no footprints to follow and several times we backtracked unsure where the trail went. Eventually, we were on the right trail however as we arrived at the summit and found the wooden sign marking Street Mountain. Look up high as the sign is way up in a tree. We had snowshoes and probably should have put them on at the cairn before leaving for the summit of Street as there was probably a foot of snow on the summit and as the trail wasn't broken, it was a little slow going without them.

We took a picture of the sign on the tree and them turned back for the trip to Heart Lake and on to the Lake Placid Brewery for a couple of Ubu's which are necessary for this hike and some dinner.

Special Equipment: Stabilicers and Poles.