Street / Nye

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Sep 17, 2004
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Is there a trail to top now-a-days?? Where can I get info on the herd path, etc??
It’s not an official trail, but the herd paths were fixed up back about 1999, so there’s one clear route all the way.

From the Adirondack Loj, follow the trail toward Indian Pass that goes past Heart Lake. There’s a register box out there a little ways, and in that general vicinity, if memory serves, is a side trail called the Old Nye Ski Trail. Take that. It has a fork to the right which you don’t want which is the Rock Garden Trail up Mount Jo. At the end of the left fork is a sign that says that the trail is not maintained beyond that point. That’s the beginning of the ‘‘herd path’’ to Street and Nye.


If the water is high, it can be difficult getting across Indian Pass Brook. I wasted about 20 minutes last time I was there trying to figure out how to get across. Straight across finally worked. It’s obvious where you should cross.

After that, the path remains well-beaten. At the col at the top of the ridge, go right to Nye (the path ends at the summit, and there should be a marker in a tree) and left to Street (wood sign and trail marker in tree). Trees at the col are marked with N and S, for Nye and Street (or North and South). Street is a farther distance from the col than Nye is, but it’s still not very far (15 or 20 minutes?). There are some good views if you hunt around a bit. I found a path that led down to a ledge last time I was there.

It took me just under seven hours when I climbed them in October 2010. I had enough energy to climb Mount Jo afterward and see some of the sunset.

If you’d like to see more pictures I can post them. They’re on my backup hard drive, which I didn’t feel like digging out tonight.
7 hrs r/t sounds good for a first hike. Love to see the pix if you have time.

What's the parking like at Adk Loj now? Mem Day is a big w/e. Be there by 3 am? Are they still experiencing car break-ins?
Did Street and Nye Last June, here's the link to the pictures I took (not to many though) STREET/NYE

Had to take my boots off for the water crossing but it was no big deal, felt refreshing, great little hike!
My son and I were out there two years ago on Memorial Day weekend for the Forty-Sixer banquet. We hiked Mount Van Hoevenberg on that Saturday and parked on South Meadow Road, so we didn’t go all the way to the Loj. You could always park on South Meadow Road (for free), but it would add about two miles to your hike I’m pretty sure, contingent upon how far down you had to park (I think it was nine-tenths of a mile from the first parking space). I don’t know about any problems with break-ins; it hasn’t happened to me yet. Not there, anyway (Crawford Path, yes).

I climbed Nye and Street by myself that October. That was the last time I’ve made it to the Adirondacks.

Here are the first two junctions from the Indian Pass Trail:



That’s the start of the herd path on the left of the lower picture.

The cairn ahead marked the crossing of Indian Pass Brook.


I guess it was just one tree at the col that was marked with N and S:


Here’s my GPS at the summit of Nye and the summit rock:


Street’s summit signs and GPS reading:


So Street is about three-fourths of a mile from Nye.

MacIntyre Range from Street:


And my GPS when I returned to the car:


‘‘Stopped’’ time doesn’t necessarily mean I wasn’t moving.

And just for good measure, here’s Heart Lake from Mount Jo:

While I can't say that there are never car break ins at the Loj, but they are quite rare given the in and out traffic and employees there. You might be thinking of the Garden Lot.