Summer Gathering - Lets pass the hat

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Near the Adirondack Blue Line
A few of us were stomping thru the thick stuff yesterday. During a break I was speaking with Spence, host of the ADK summer gathering.

He didn't ask, and would probably be upset that I am, but here goes...

Its going to cost $250 just for the 2 porta potties he's bringing in for the gathering. Might me a good thing if those planning to attend make that expense go away. I'd like to think that donations would be such that we pay for the potty's and whats left over, goes to the other expenses Spence will be occurring.
Any thoughts or ideas on how to do this?


I appreciate your comment, but things happen with weather, etc. I wasn't looking at it as an entrance fee as much as having us defray a sizable expense in advance.

If you or anyone else in interested, PM me for an address. Probably a good idea making them out to cash and I'll give them to Spence.
Not a great idea of posting last names on the internet.
Peakbagr said:
A few of us were stomping thru the thick stuff yesterday. During a break I was speaking with Spence, host of the ADK summer gathering....................

??? - Ummmmmmm, what kind of idiots would be dumb enough to stomp around thru "the thick stuff" anyway. I never can understand you people.

But I digress, I'd be happy to throw in a little spare change ;)
Potty rental

I will be sending a check directly to Spencer since I have his address. I don't think of it as charity or even kicking in to the passed hat, but rather rental for the time that I will spend in the potties. BTW, I will rent lots of extra time and what I don't use, I will give to MichaelJ.

PM me and I'll give you my address and be happy to give the checks to Spence when I see him again in the next week. I don't want to post my address on the board nor do I want to pass along Spence's without his consent.
I'll give you his last name when you PM me so you can make the check payable to him.

Heh-heh - I'm already contributing for my time and, uh, space, in the privy, so I don't plan on needing to sublet from you, Teejay.