Yay, thinking ahead ...
- the annual 3 days or so on the LT in VT with wife, daughter, and auntie
- renew the annual series of kids + two grandmas dayhikes

- son's first backpacking trip
- something longer, 4-5 days point-to-point with daughter
- Mansfield 4x in a day: up LT or Hell Brook, down Sunset Ridge, up Laura Cowles, down Halfway House, up Maple Ridge, down Forehead Bypass, up LT to Forehead, down Nose Dive / Haselton. Wanted to do this last fall, but weather intervened!
- Maybe Franconia -> Pinkham in a day ...
Run a whole lot & stay healthy.
Dig a pond, build a wood-fired hot tub and a proper ski rack.
Not sure what else!