Sunday March 13 - North & Middle Tripyramids via Pine Brook Trail

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Sep 3, 2003
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A few of us will be starting a hike at 8:30 AM Sunday at the Pine Brook Trailhead on the Kanc heading to North & Middle Tripyramids. Anyone else who would like to join us - just show up.
Well, I'm still waiting to hear if the BW to Lowell/Anderson I signed on to do is still a go. And then there's the small matter of the fact that I posted to hike in several other places (including the entire Torngat Range) for that same day. I'm thinking Camel's Hump (VT) or Giant (NY) because it looks like the weather might be slightly nicer up there. But then there's the whole issue of solo-trailbreaking because I know that nobody is going to answer my post. Though - Papa Bear seemed interested in the Torngats... :cool:

So anyway, I'll keep Tripyramids in mind. It could be a load of fun!

-Dr. Wu
Dr Wu - Do you really want to be driving all over New England in the snow and then have to break the trail all by yourself? Come with us - we have a sturdy young trail breaker all lined up for Sunday.

Julie - just don't be first and the trail will be broken! The strong, manly, man's man, king of trail breaking - Sherpa John is doing this hike instead of a 26 mile traverse of the Presidentials - he needs the extra workout :D
Rooney... good size storm rollin in for Friday into Saturday. By Sunday I suspect AT LEAST 6 new inches in the preffered areas.

Bob.... your too much! LMAO

I seriously would not mind breaking trail.. so.. COME ONE COME ALL!

I have TWO preselected hats for this weekend! One day it's THE HOT DOG! And the other... MR. Wizard! OHHHH YEAHHHHHH! :eek:
Hey, what about South Tripyramid!?

I'll find out at 7pm tomorrow (Friday) if the Lowell & Anderson Bushwhack is still on or not.

Can we go over to South Peak? It looks like a little trip from Middle Peak and I bet there are now some fancy views.

I'll definitely bring the Swiss Bobsled. I'm going to sled up the trails too.

Maybe see you Sunday...

-Dr. Wu
Forcast is calling for over a foot Friday-Saturday in the north. I'll bring my rubber legs with me for extra measure. :eek:
Trailhead Parking

Is there going to be an issue with trailhead parking? I read somewhere that this trailhead is small. Also, I imagine at 8:30 it (or Lincoln Woods) should be plowed but maybe not? Should we meet at Lincoln Woods (I am still not sure if I'm "in") at 8:15, gear up and move on to the Pine Brook Trailhead. I may show up early (6:30 - 7:00) to get a head start on trialbreaking. That's if I'm going. I wouldn't be surprised if the Lowell/Anderson trip is cancelled.

I'd like to go to South Tripyramid and also look at the Slides on North Tripyramid so that's why I might try to get an early start.

-Dr. Wu
We will be coming from North Conway side of the Kanc so meeting at LW is out of the way. Picked 8:30 as we are doing the 14 mile Carrigan trip on SAt and will need our beuty sleep.

Heading over to South sounds good.

Hopefully will be able to chack email tonight and Sat night form motel - bringing laptop. We head north at 4 PM this afternoon for the weekend.
dr_wu002 said:
Is there going to be an issue with trailhead parking? I read somewhere that this trailhead is small. Also, I imagine at 8:30 it (or Lincoln Woods) should be plowed but maybe not? Should we meet at Lincoln Woods (I am still not sure if I'm "in") at 8:15, gear up and move on to the Pine Brook Trailhead. I may show up early (6:30 - 7:00) to get a head start on trialbreaking. That's if I'm going. I wouldn't be surprised if the Lowell/Anderson trip is cancelled.

I'd like to go to South Tripyramid and also look at the Slides on North Tripyramid so that's why I might try to get an early start.

-Dr. Wu
There is no real parking lot at the Pine Bend Brook TH. Perhaps just a little bit of wider shoulder on the road is all. People were parking as close to the snow bank as possible. If the plows are running, you should plan to have to dig your cars out. We parked cars at the Sabbaday Brook TH (where there is a parking lot) and shuttled people 1 mile to Pine Bend Brook.
Highway to Hell

Mark said:
There is no real parking lot at the Pine Bend Brook TH. Perhaps just a little bit of wider shoulder on the road is all. People were parking as close to the snow bank as possible. If the plows are running, you should plan to have to dig your cars out. We parked cars at the Sabbaday Brook TH (where there is a parking lot) and shuttled people 1 mile to Pine Bend Brook.
Mark, Thanks for the reply -- I read this as an option. I'll go sneak off now with my maps (I'm at work) and figure something out. Is the Sabbaday Brook TH plowed (and accessible??) ??

-- would you be interested in shuttling people because it's at your end of the Kanc. I'm assuming at this point that my trip to Lowell/Anderson is cancelled but won't know until later. Like I said though, I may get an early start -- first, simply because I want to and second, well to help with trail breaking.

-Dr. Wu
Yes - if we need to deal with parking, shuttling we can do that. I suggest we show up at the trailhead - look at the conditions and go from there for parking.
Almost In

Looks like Dalraida and I are in for Sunday. But I think we're going to try and get an early start -- around 7:30. I'm going to meet him in Lincoln before 7am and we'll leave my little Saturn SL there and drive in his 8 ton monster car up to the Pine Bend Brook Trailhead. If it looks bad we'll make a decision from there.

If the weather really looks nuts though we'll probably bail...

-Dr. Wu
Sorry for anyone planning on joining us for this hike, but we are completely spent after yesterdays Carrigan hike and will not be there. Major body aches and very wet clothes. We are going to enjoy a good breakfast and do the tourist thing in N Conway later when and if we get moving. Sherpa John just lifted his head and managed to mumble "I feel like I was hit by a locomotive" and fell back to sleep
Oh well

A total of seven of us tried for the summits, but we agreed to turn back at the Scaur Ridge Trail junction because of time and exhaustion (at least me for the latter reason). The new snow on the trail varied between 8-24 inches and was very dry and slippery. The steep part was hellacious; it took more than two hours to do one mile. One step forward and 0.9 backwards. I'm not sure if more people would have helped, since those following the leader still had a very difficult time with traction. It will probably be easier after the snow sits for a day or two.

On the other hand, I had a good day in the woods and got to meet some very nice people, including the famous Dr Wu!

Also, the NH road department and the Forest Service did a great job clearing the Kanc and trailhead parking.
Hi Dennis: I'm glad we finally caught up to you -- sorry about the late start on our part but I was happy that I could take up some of that difficult trailbreaking! It was a lot of fun actually. I don't think we were moving at all -- just stationary until the occasional "quantum jump" pushed us ahead a mm or two.

I can't wait to return and do that trail in spring or summer. That's usually about a 1.5 or 2hour hike to the top for me! Not 4.5hours just to reach Scaur Ridge Junction!

Also, you can get one of those fancy swiss bobsleds at the EMS.

Bob, Geri, SherpaJohn: Glad you had fun at Carrigan. The pictures looked awesome -- wish I could have been there. Lucky for us we had 5 other people (well, 4 people and 1 dog) to help out with trailbreaking at Tripyramid.


Dr. Wu
Dr Wu - sorry we couldn't make it yetsterday - we're still sore from Saturday. Glad to hear that you all had a good time. Passed by the trailhead @10:30 and saw 5 cars parked there, so at least knew you weren't alone.
Extortion Op!!!

>>> Sherpa John just lifted his head and managed to mumble "I feel like I was hit by a locomotive" and fell back to sleep <<<

That's when you grab the camera and start getting creative...

What a difference a week makes

Today, Pine Bend Brook Trail was much more friendly than last Sunday. Then it took me 5:30 to reach the Scaur Ridge junction; today it took only 2:10. Used boots until the steep part, then crampons for the rest of the day. There was still drifting snow, however. Evidence of previous groups came and went, but the footing remained sound. The views were great. Magnificent panaroma of Carriagian, Mts Washington, jefferson, and southern Presidentials, Wildcats,and Carter Dome to the north and east. Towards the west and north, could see from the Waterville ski slopes to Moosilauke, Kinsmans, a bit of Cannon, the backside of the Franconia range all in white, Garfield standing alone, and around to South Twin. Had a comfy lunch in the sun on Middle Tripyramid.

Saw only one couple the whole day.