Table Mt. & Big Attitash Mt. 5-28-08

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Attitash Trail from Bear Notch Rd. to Table Mt. was in pretty good shape. A little brushing needed in places. The trail over to Big Attitash was pretty close to a bushwhack. The trail hasn't been maintained for a long time. Blazes are non-existant and the trail disappears in many places. Over a hundred or more blowdowns from Table Mt. to Big Attitash. It was a long slog over and back. We lost the trail several times on the way back. Bunky had to stayput while I circled ahead to locate the trail and then call him in. I left my GPS at home. It would have really come in handy today. This trail is off the beaten path and it's evident that not many people use it. In a few years, it will be so overgrown it will be gone. Glasses, longsleeve shirt, and pants today, to keep from getting scratched to pieces. Quite a workout.

Wolfgang and Downhill Bunky
[email protected]