New member
Mountains: Tabletop, Phelps
Trails: Van Hoevenberg, Tabletop herd path, Phelps
Hikers: Scotzman, Lauren
Equipment: Snowshoes, poles
Stats: 12+ miles, 3500' ascent, 7 hours.
The morning got off to a snowy, chilly start as we caught a bit of the storm that was going through during the evening and early morning. Thankfully we didn't get more than a couple inches and the two hour drive north wasn't dramatically affected. I was joined on this hike by a hiking friend from a local group and this was to be her first time doing a winter high peak so we were looking forward to it. We made it to the Loj by 8:20 and were geared up and ready to go by 8:45. When we arrived at the parking lot the temp was reading 4F and that would end up being the warmest we would see all day.
Colden from Marcy Dam
As expected the trail back to Marcy Dam was hard packed highway and given the recent thaw/freeze and lack of serious new snow, I left the tails off and just used the Evo Ascents the entire day and that was more than adequate for what we saw. When I checked us in I did a quick scan of the logbook and noticed we were the only ones signed in for Tabletop so far and the second for Phelps. We crossed paths a man who had spent the last couple nights camping near the Phelps trailhead and had done both of our peaks in the last couple of days and was able to confirm easy sailing on both. When we started out the clouds were still prevalent but by the time we reached the Dam the clouds were dissipating and we saw patches of blue sky and partial views of Colden and Wright. The forecast had been for mostly cloudy skies and early chance of snow showers so we were really enthused to see the blue sky!
As we passed the Phelps trail the trail conditions remained pretty consistent, hard-packed, with a dusting of fresh powder. With the gain in elevation we could feel the drop in temperature also. This was meant to be a crisp, chilly day. Thankfully, along with the drop in temperatures came and increase in blue sky.
We were treated to some stunning contrasts of white and blue, and a splash of green. Once at the junction with the herd path, we took a quick snack break, then were off for our first summit push of the day. Todays hike up the herd path was so much different and way more enjoyable than my first time hiking this mountain. Tabletop was my first high peak that I climbed as part of my "official" 46 and when I did it two years ago in May the path was a stream of water and rotting snow-spines that made the climb very unpleasant. Now with a well packed and deep base of snow and televator bars up, the climb went quite smooth and enjoyable. Just below the summit we looked over our shoulders and were treated with some fantastic views of the MacIntyre Range and Colden Mt. The day was clearing up very nicely! We reached the summit shortly before noon, dropped down to the plateau and were treated with some gorgeous views of Haystack, Basin and Saddleback. While we ate our lunch we were hoping for the clouds to blow off Marcy, but unfortunately they didn't oblige. With temps around -5F we didn't feel like waiting any longer so we packed up and charged back down the mountain. A quick note on the Tabletop trail conditions: hard packed, well defined and no ice to speak of. 
Looking back toward the MacIntyres
Looking toward the Great Range from Summit of Tabletop
When we reached the end of the herd path we bumped into a father/daughter pair that was on their way up to do T/T and a few minutes later a pair of XC skiers headed up to Indian Falls. We made great time back down to the Phelps turnoff and readied ourselves for the second summit of the day. I was really excited to make the top of Phelps today because every other time I've been on Phelps I've had no views whatsoever. Now with blue skies galore, I was certain to change that. On our climb up Phelps I think we encountered more blowdown than on the T/T trail. All of the trees were already previously skirted or easily passable over or under and we make the short but steep climb to the top of Phelps in just about an hour. As we neared the top of the climb, we were both blown away by the color of the ski. It was the deepest blue, borderline purple ski I have ever seen!
It was truly amazing to take in. With a last dash we made the summit and parked ourselves on the boulder and soaked in the grandeur view before us. It was stunning to say the least. The curse of Phelps was broken, I finally had my view.
Lauren and I stayed as long as we dare on top, not wanting to leave, but also not wanting to freeze. lol With one last glance of the majestic peaks we dropped down the trail and began our return to the warmth and comfort that await us back at the trailhead. There are a couple sections on the steeps of the Phelps trail that have some ice buildup that is just lightly covered by snow and these required some caution. Crampons are not needed if you have some decent traction on your snowshoes and my Evos handled it just fine.
View of the Great Range from Phelps
View of the MacIntyre Range and Colden from Phelps
On our way back to the Loj we passed numerous people out for a afternoon ski and a handful headed back for overnights. It will be a chilly evening in the woods, but it doesn't get much better than this!
Full pics here:
Trails: Van Hoevenberg, Tabletop herd path, Phelps
Hikers: Scotzman, Lauren
Equipment: Snowshoes, poles
Stats: 12+ miles, 3500' ascent, 7 hours.
The morning got off to a snowy, chilly start as we caught a bit of the storm that was going through during the evening and early morning. Thankfully we didn't get more than a couple inches and the two hour drive north wasn't dramatically affected. I was joined on this hike by a hiking friend from a local group and this was to be her first time doing a winter high peak so we were looking forward to it. We made it to the Loj by 8:20 and were geared up and ready to go by 8:45. When we arrived at the parking lot the temp was reading 4F and that would end up being the warmest we would see all day.
Colden from Marcy Dam

As expected the trail back to Marcy Dam was hard packed highway and given the recent thaw/freeze and lack of serious new snow, I left the tails off and just used the Evo Ascents the entire day and that was more than adequate for what we saw. When I checked us in I did a quick scan of the logbook and noticed we were the only ones signed in for Tabletop so far and the second for Phelps. We crossed paths a man who had spent the last couple nights camping near the Phelps trailhead and had done both of our peaks in the last couple of days and was able to confirm easy sailing on both. When we started out the clouds were still prevalent but by the time we reached the Dam the clouds were dissipating and we saw patches of blue sky and partial views of Colden and Wright. The forecast had been for mostly cloudy skies and early chance of snow showers so we were really enthused to see the blue sky!

As we passed the Phelps trail the trail conditions remained pretty consistent, hard-packed, with a dusting of fresh powder. With the gain in elevation we could feel the drop in temperature also. This was meant to be a crisp, chilly day. Thankfully, along with the drop in temperatures came and increase in blue sky.
Looking back toward the MacIntyres

Looking toward the Great Range from Summit of Tabletop

When we reached the end of the herd path we bumped into a father/daughter pair that was on their way up to do T/T and a few minutes later a pair of XC skiers headed up to Indian Falls. We made great time back down to the Phelps turnoff and readied ourselves for the second summit of the day. I was really excited to make the top of Phelps today because every other time I've been on Phelps I've had no views whatsoever. Now with blue skies galore, I was certain to change that. On our climb up Phelps I think we encountered more blowdown than on the T/T trail. All of the trees were already previously skirted or easily passable over or under and we make the short but steep climb to the top of Phelps in just about an hour. As we neared the top of the climb, we were both blown away by the color of the ski. It was the deepest blue, borderline purple ski I have ever seen!
View of the Great Range from Phelps

View of the MacIntyre Range and Colden from Phelps

On our way back to the Loj we passed numerous people out for a afternoon ski and a handful headed back for overnights. It will be a chilly evening in the woods, but it doesn't get much better than this!
Full pics here: