Tabletop and Phelps, Wednesday, June 27

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Jul 29, 2005
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The Hinterlands of North Central MA
It's 4am and my alarm is ringing. Didn't I just do this saturday?? Yep, and I'm going hiking in the Daks again! What a great week!

The short and sweet of it:
Terra and I hopped in the car at 5:00 am, arrived in Keene Valley at 7:15am, enjoyed an artery clogging prehike breakfast at the Noonmark. Arrived at the Loj early, paid my dues and am now a card carrying member of the ADK.

Met Nancy (HighonLife) at 8:20am, laced our boots and weeeeee're off!

The day was already hot and hazy and I think both of us were feeling the heat on the way up. We summitted Tabletop first. I really liked the herdpath up, green and narrow with an enchanted forest feel. We summited around 11:30 and spent a few moments taking in the views, then headed down.

The trail up Phelps was also in great shape, clear of any blowdown. In the open areas near the top the sun was oppressive. I felt myself slowing down a bit here in effort to keep from feeling overtaxed. We summitted Phelps about 1:30pm, and enjoyed the summit for about twenty minutes, watching some clouds roll in; reviewing the map and identifying all the nearby summits.

On the way down we heard far off thunder, but it remained distant, and with the exception of a few refreshing raindrops, we remained dry. We were back at the Loj just before 4pm, and had the opportunity to congratulate a group of 10-12 year old girls who had just climbed Mount Jo with their camp counselors. The words, "Strong Girls Rule!" brought proud smiles to thier enthusiastic faces.

Said goodbye to Nancy after planning our next hike!

Thanks again to Nancy for being an awesome hiking friend. So often I am the one with the map and studying each sign at trail junctions, but today I again had the pleasure of being a "backseat hiker" just along for the ride.

Phelps and Tabletop make ADK 15 & 16, only 30 more to go!
Very cool, Sabrina. Sounds like it was a gorgeous day.

Geez, you're flying through those ADKs. Are they all you need for the 111?
Your TR brings back some great memories. My in-laws used to live in Lake Placid. My brother in law was a figure skater. I loved the Keen Valley – Lake Placid area and did a fair bit of hiking there. It has, however, been years since I’ve been back. I’d love to get bet back there some time. They’re too far away from me for day hiking now. Maybe I can take some vacation time some time and get over there again.

Congratulations especially on bagging those peaks in that heat. I was thinking this afternoon how glad I was that I wasn’t out there today. It must have been wicked tough.
Congrats on your latest peaks - great job in those stifling temperatures. :)
It was hot but not stifling. Enough to feel the temp but not so hot that I'd worry about having a canine with me. Thankfully, we chose a predominately forested hike -- being out in the open would have radically changed things.
Hey Una,
Wasn't it a HOT one on Wednesday? You were lucky to have been spared the downpour. I was doing Dix (from Round Pond) and the short version of my TR goes like sucking heat, blood sucking bugs, sanity sucking lightening, and a warmth sucking deluge of rain followed by more energy sucking heat... Other than that, a great day!! Seriously, the view from the top was awesome and worth all the other stuff. Did you drop over the other side of Tabletop for the view? It's a neat one and kind of unexpected.
TMax said:
Hey Una,
Wasn't it a HOT one on Wednesday? You were lucky to have been spared the downpour. I was doing Dix (from Round Pond) and the short version of my TR goes like sucking heat, blood sucking bugs, sanity sucking lightening, and a warmth sucking deluge of rain followed by more energy sucking heat... Other than that, a great day!! Seriously, the view from the top was awesome and worth all the other stuff. Did you drop over the other side of Tabletop for the view? It's a neat one and kind of unexpected.

Hey TMax! I loved your TR -- especially your positive view on it all!

Sanity sucking lighting, eh? We heard the thunder rumbling in the distance :eek:

Yes, the view from the other side of Tabletop is sweet!

Glad you had a great day out, too.
