Tabletop - Jan 30,2012

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Hiked up to Tabletop from the Loj. Four or five inches of fresh new snow overnight. One person had hiked the Van Hovenburg before me (headed for Marcy). Trail to Marcy dam was still a little thin to justify snowshoes but manageable. Above the dam snowshoes were used though the summer rocks and roots still define the trail (not recommended for skiing up there for a while yet I suspect). Past the Phelps cutoff there was finally enough snow to make the snowshoes the choice mode of travel. Broke trail up to Tabletop and the path (trench?) was easy enough to follow all the way to the summit. A few icy pitches hidden by the new snow but for the most part very managable. Drifts of snow near the summit were still only 8 or 10 inches deep so no trouble topping out.