Take a close look at the dots on the dam


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Amazing! I would never have imagined that. At first I thought birds, then as the pictures drew in closer I thought turtles, but that didn't make any sense. But neither does the actual animal being there make sense.
That's pretty neat! When I read the topic line I was afraid that it was going to be one of silly videos where you get really close to the screen and then a goblin face screams at you.:eek: This was way better.
I could have probably selected a better topic title but thought it was interesting enough that it should be something that would catch people's eyes. ;)
neat pictures, The Golden Eagle video was neat too, kind of gruesome, always think of the bigger birds having a need to actual lift their pray but not in that kind of terrain.
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Truly amazing, then I watched the 7min eagle video, holy cow. I wouldn't hike around there with small kids. :eek:
The New Boston Historical Society (NH) has a stuffed eagle that reportedly was shot down many years ago as, if I remember correctly, it was trying to fly away with the farmer's beagle.
That really is amazing, my first thought was do any of them take a fall? its funny how animals can scramble like we could only dream too. I remember once out in CO. I was scrambling up this rotten loose face, loosing 2 feet for every one I took, when I heard some rocks shifting to my right, I looked over to see a baby ram running up the face like it was nothing, personally I thought he was showing off for me, but either way I conceeded he had me smoked for sure.:eek:
Check out these words to a song performed by New Hampshire's own Hutchinson Family singers in 1842. "The Vulture of the Alps"
http://www.kobobooks.com/content/The-Vulture-Of-The-Alps/sc-M-JOooyfmEaVp3uSkoKheg/page1.html#1 :eek:
It's 19th C. melodrama at its best(worst). A little twisted but oddly appropriate in this discussion. I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit that I actually have a recording of this piece:eek:

I read the poem, that is really sad. I imagine somewhere something like that has happened. I think many years ago a black bear went into a backyard I think in Monsey NY, close to Bear MTN and the bear grabbed a baby out of it's stroller because the baby smelled like food. It was a long time ago, I think it ended sadly.
Goats on Dam

Very cool videos. I watched the one on the Golden Eagles. Thank you for the link.

Not too long ago here in NYC a hawk tried to take someones small dog in one of our city parks. Good argument for leashing your pet.