TBTS Ride for Research '05


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Jay H

New member
Sep 8, 2003
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Pittsfield, MA
Hey, I got the latest issue of Heads Up, the newsletter from The Brain Tumor Society folks, they mention next year's Ride for Research outside of Boston. Does anybody know if Darren is planning another VFTT contigent? I know a bunch of you did it last year. 50 miles is like nothing to me, but hey, it's for a good cause and perhaps I might see if I can make it.

It's May 15th... Hmm, might have to schedule this in, it's sometime around my Escarpment hike...

Anyway, is Darren away from the PC/VFTT for work reasons? Haven't seen him around recently...

He's around as far as I know . . . and as of last weekend he is still planning on doing the ride with a VFTT crew and since I am going to make it a point to join him this year, I'd greatly appreciate it if the Escarpment trip could be a different weekend. Thanks Jay,

I'm here now, but I have been on travel....I haven't been on teh pc much in the last 3 weeks.

I saw your post on the Catskills TBTS hike.....nice job setting it up. Now I just have to read through the 5 pages of posts.... :D

TBTS is starting to take registrations for the Ride for Research. I will post info about it soon - probably after the holidays. I do plan on having a team of VFTT riders again. It's a great event and I look forward to it. There are two rides, 25 miles and 50 miles, so anyone can do it. There are 7 year olds who finish the 25 miles.....so no excuses!!!!

Thanks for the interest!!!

- darren