Temple Mountain info


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Daniel Eagan

Active member
Sep 8, 2003
Reaction score
New York City
Ever since both Backpacker and Jim Goodwin referred to this as a non-technical hike, I've been thinking about tackling it.

Can anyone recommend a good hiking guide to the mountain and the area? Thanks.
If you are talkin' about the temple mountain in N.H. you can find some info in the AMC's southern N.H. trail guide. :D

And if you're talking about mt Temple in the Canadian Rockies, look for the book called "Scrambling in the Rockies", by Alan Kane. In summer on the "tourist route", it's non-technical, except for a steep snowfield on the upper part where an ice axe could bring some confidence in you :D
I'm planning on doing the "technical" route up Temple Mtn in S. NH.
Going to tightrope walk up the old chairlift cable bottom to top. Might lead to other chairlift cable tightrope ascents. The Grande Dame of all cable ascents will be the Cannon Tramway, bring it on. :D :D :D :D

Sorry, I'm stuck in Florida for another day and the distance from cold weather and higher elevations is making me crazy. :rolleyes:
Sorry, I should have specified Temple in the Rockies. I'll look for the Kane book.

On a more prosaic level, what's a good guidebook for motels & restaurants?

And what's the best route for flying from New York City?