The Bears Have Woken Up in NW CT

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Although I am personally opposed to the vernal advance, I recognize that some of you (and my wife) have had more than enough. So, here are a few more phenological tidbits:

1. Chickadees, crows, jays, and owls have started exhibiting territorial behavior in anticipation of nesting.
2. Quaking aspen flower buds have appeared, at least until the neighborhood grouse finds them.
3. The terrier is back to sunbathing on the WSW-facing deck.
4. Had to get the pulaski out to construct a drainage channel off the driveway.

BOTOH, we have another winter weather advisory this morning. :D
Two more signs of spring...

1. The hawk migration seems to have begun. I have seen a larger-than-usual number of big red-tail hawks in Southern NH this week. Nice to see them around.

2. The builders have finally been able to membrane the long-ice-covered NW valley of the roof on my house-in-progress. The southern/eastern facing gables were done weeks ago, but it finally melted on the shady side enough this week.

These are the times that try a snow-lover's soul. As a skier, I wake up and see snow falling... "Cool! No, wait, sh**!" Every snow-storm pushes out our construction dates another few days or more.

Oh, no sign of bears in WV yet... :)
No, the bear doesn't

Karst said:
This one may have addressed that age-old question...

Actually, I had come to a completely different conclusion last summer: Bears (and foxes, and moose, and pretty much every other furry critter) seem to skip the woods entirely and spare no effort getting out into the middle of high-volume trails like Livermore Road before relieving themselves, voluminously, where I can step in it, or better yet, skid through it on my bike, resulting in high-speed airborne chunks being fired at my face.

One quickly learns to ride with one's mouth shut.
And actually the photo may prove your point. Since a car is visible in the background, maybe he just had to pull over to make a quick pit stop.

My kids and I have commented many times about the amount and frequency of scat in the trail. Just like us, maybe the critters just want a comfortable spot unencumbered by things that could poke them in the nether region.