The Brothers and Big Slide

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Mountains Climbed: The Brothers and Big Slide
Route: From the Garden, over the three Brothers to Big Slide, down Slide Mountain Brook Trail, and back to the Garden via the Phelps Trail.
Date of Hike: 05-10-08

Trail Conditions: Trail was mostly dry with some muddy spots. There was a snow spine present between Third Brother and the junction with Slide Mountain Brook Trail. Blow down was present on all trails.

Comments: The blow down made the trail hard to find in a few places, and the snow spine slowed us down quite a bit. We had intended to also hike Yard Mountain, but decided to change our plans based on the speed we were hiking. The weather was pleasant, and we only encountered 8 other hikers on the trail. All-in-all, a great hike.

Special Equipment Required: Poles - useful; Gaiters - useful