The Case for Young People and Nature (Global Warming Article)

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The cliff notes version is that the article is mistitled. What it really is a article about global warming.
Yes, from their perspective, climate change has serious consequences on future generations, starting with today's children. Hence the title, which is appropriate given the logic behind their argument.
Not commenting on AGW, but I view the disconnect between the title and the article as a sales job, pure and simple. Weakens my respect for their conclusions. If they were solid, they would not need to bait and switch.
I will not comment much on AGW, as I have received enough negative rep and hate mail [but, no death threats :)] from some on this site. But, I will say that these authors are the creme de la creme of the climate science community and have been publishing on AGW for over two decades. It appears that this article is under review, so I imagine that a title change could be possible. However, I think that the authors are trying to reach the next generation, as they have sadly lost the battle with their own generation, so the title makes sense to me.
I think they are saying having kids is bad for the environment.