The Chimney - It's Not Just For Santa Anymore, 8/13/2011

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Nashua, NH
August 13, 2011: Osceolas from Tripoli Road

Trails: Mt. Osceola Trail

Summits: Osceola (main peak), East Osceola

Hikers: Trail Trotter (Sue), and me

Usually, we hike The Osceolas in combination with something else; Hancocks or Tripyramids have been good choices. This time around we planned for only the Osceolas. Sue and I have hiked these peaks quite a few times but have never done a round-trip from Thornton Gap. Other times when we have started from this location we have ended at Livermore or Ferncroft. In a way this is a new approach to some old targets.

I remember Sue once told me she considers any meet time after 4:00am as “sleeping in”. I guess we were able to sleep in on this one. I was concerned with available parking space at the trailhead so we agreed to meet earlier than necessary, but still later than usual. With Sue in the lead, we hit the Park & Ride lot at exactly the same time, Sue led the way to a parking space, we moved her things into the truck, and headed north. After a couple usual stops along the way we pulled into the trailhead lot for the Mt. Osceola Trail at Thornton Gap (Tripoli Road). There were a few vehicles there but parking was not yet a problem; things would change.

Except for a small area near the summit of Osceola there really wasn’t any mud to deal with and I recall only one large blowdown between the summits but it has a bypass established. In other words, the trail was clear and generally dry for the full route.

One of the main attractions of The Osceolas is the jungle gym that is located mid-way between the peaks; we planned to have some fun when we reached The Chimney. First, we needed to hike over Osceola’s main peak.

The trail in this approach seems quite a bit rougher than coming in from the Kancamagus via Greeley Ponds Trail. Except for a few small sections of smooth trail and clear slabs the trail is loaded with rocks all of the way to the summit. To a large degree it’s one big rock-hop to the summit. Boots with plenty of support and protection from sharp edges are very helpful. We were hiking in generally clear conditions but the humidity seemed high and the breeze that was noted in the NWS forecast never materialized. In other words, we were drenched with perspiration in no time. Since The Osceolas were it for the day we had no real time pressure and took a few extra stops along the way to stay comfortable.

At the summit we stopped. Usually because of time constraints, conditions, or both we hit the summit, grab a couple pictures, and keep moving. This time through, we took off our packs, sat down, had a snack, and enjoyed the views. Every once in a while it’s really nice to smell the roses. After our break we continued to the real entertainment for the day.

The Chimney is roughly half-way between the peaks. It’s a short walk and soon we were standing at the top of The Chimney looking down. Sue had an ear-to-ear smile on her face. She seems to enjoy this stuff. Sue led the way on our first pass through The Chimney. I waited long enough to get a couple pictures of the action and then started down. Soon, we were standing at the bottom looking up. Sue was still smiling. Off we went; back up through The Chimney to the top. Some might think this is a little silly but it’s a lot of fun (it’s really fun on snowshoes). After a couple more ups and downs, two groups arrived from Osceola East and were waiting to continue their hikes to Osceola. Sue and I decided to head east knowing we were coming back through the area in a while.

After The Chimney, the hike to Osceola East is pretty quiet. The steep rocky sections were dry with great footing. It’s an easy walk and we were soon at the summit cairn getting our usual summit pictures. With that out of the way we were again headed for The Chimney; we weren’t quite done there yet. Along the way we met quite a few others evidently hiking the same hike. Two of those we met were a fellow named Dave and his nephew (I think). Dave recognized us and said something to me after I passed. With my very poor hearing I never heard a thing. Fortunately, Sue heard him and got me to turn around. Sorry Dave, I wasn’t ignoring you – I can’t hear very well. We stopped to visit for a while.

Soon it was time to get back to The Chimney to finish what we started. I took an off-trail break just before The Chimney but Sue kept going. By the time I got there Sue had already finished another up and down. As I started up another pair (father and young son) were on their way down the bypass. They weren’t enjoying it at all. We talked for a couple minutes. I assured them the remainder of the trail to East Osceola was mild hiking and in great shape. They carefully came down the bypass and continued on their way, and so did I – up The Chimney. After a few more up and down trips through The Chimney it was time to go. That was fun.

After The Chimney we had roughly a half mile and 500 feet in elevation to the main peak. It didn’t take long at all before we were taking summit pictures and again removing our packs to relax and enjoy a snack. This time we pulled out the summit cookies and a candy bar to share. There were quite a few others lounging on the open slabs as well. That breeze the NWS mentioned sure would have been nice (that’s a small complaint on a very nice day).

All rested, re-fueled and re-charged it was time to get back into the rocks on the trail to the truck. The walk down from the summit to the trailhead was unusual. On this hike we met a large number of people hiking in while we were on our exit run. Sue pointed out The Osceolas are usually the back end of a Double Hit & Run and we’re quite often the last one’s out. I guess that makes sense.

At the trailhead we found the lot generally packed. There were a couple open spots. There were even more cars parked on the side of the road. Evidently, this trailhead was a very busy place. We quickly packed and headed down the hill to Livermore. The plastic outhouses located there are convenient for a quick change into dry clothes.

Soon, we were on the road headed south. Thanks Sue, it was another terrific day in the mountains.

I’ve posted some pictures from the day.

BIGEarl's Pictures

Straight to the slideshow
