The Doubleheads via, Ski Trail, Old Path, New Path 6/30/09

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Feb 6, 2009
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Lakes Region NH
North and South Doublehead. Date of hike Thursday 6/30/09

Trail Conditions:
Doublehead Ski Trail to junction with Old Path: very muddy with spots of standing water, running water and slippery roots and rocks.

Old Path to N. Doublehead: wet but in pretty good shape.

New Path to S. Doublehead: many loose sticks in the trail but no real problems. However the decent via New Path was steep with lots of loose wet rocks. Trail became a running stream over slick ledges before it eased to a relatively flat nice walk out.

Comments: I would not hike New Path between Dundee Rd and South Doublehead. Stick to the ski trail and Old Path. This was my 25th 52WAV. No view today but the rain stayed away and we managed to have an enjoyable hike despite the wet conditions.