The irony is so thick I could cut it...

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Sep 4, 2003
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Maine Avatar: We could use some snow around here
I just read a post and was struck its deep irony. It exemplifies our best attempt to be critical without reailzing the culprits are us.

It says how a certain hike is "not a bushwhack anymore" and then goes on to link to a very detailed report on the internet of the said hike that was a bushwack not very long ago.

This is not meant to be an attack at the poster. Most of us do similar things...

People, wake up and smell the juxtaposition of our sport!

spencer said:
I just read a post and was struck its deep irony. It exemplifies our best attempt to be critical without reailzing the culprits are us.

It says how a certain hike is "not a bushwhack anymore" and then goes on to link to a very detailed report on the internet of the said hike that was a bushwack not very long ago.

This is not meant to be an attack at the poster. Most of us do similar things...

People, wake up and smell the juxtaposition of our sport!

I think that anything on the NEHH is so popular these days that inevitably any of the hikes on it won't resemble a bushwhack for much longer. Unless you take a different route.

-Dr. Wu
The trail to the summit of Mt Nancy from the end of Norcross Pond has not been a bushwhack for some time. When we first did this hike 2 1/2 years ago it resembled a regular trail. We chatted with a woman who lives next to the trail upon our descent who claimed to be un-officially maintaining the trail. When we went back this past summer the trail was even wider and showed signs of maintenance.

Since this is in the Pemigewasset Wilderness, one might expect that the Forest Service will take similar actions as they have for Owl's head.

dr_wu002 said:
I think that anything on the NEHH is so popular these days that inevitably any of the hikes on it won't resemble a bushwhack for much longer. Unless you take a different route.

-Dr. Wu
bobandgeri said:
The trail to the summit of Mt Nancy from the end of Norcross Pond has not been a bushwhack for some time. When we first did this hike 2 1/2 years ago it resembled a regular trail. We chatted with a woman who lives next to the trail upon our descent who claimed to be un-officially maintaining the trail. When we went back this past summer the trail was even wider and showed signs of maintenance.

Since this is in the Pemigewasset Wilderness, one might expect that the Forest Service will take similar actions as they have for Owl's head.
I've done Nancy as well... I was referring to Peak above the Nubble. That woman also maintains the Mount Bemis Trail, cut her own trail up to Duck Pond Mountain and also Mount Hope. According to Frodo, she also cut her own finger off! On purpose!

-Dr. Wu
bobandgeri said:
Since this is in the Pemigewasset Wilderness, one might expect that the Forest Service will take similar actions as they have for Owl's head.

In fact, there is a sign hanging near Norcross Pond that warns anyone found maintaining the trail will be fined. Not sure if that's always been there or is new.

- Ivy
bobandgeri said:
The trail to the summit of Mt Nancy from the end of Norcross Pond has not been a bushwhack for some time. When we first did this hike 2 1/2 years ago it resembled a regular trail. We chatted with a woman who lives next to the trail upon our descent who claimed to be un-officially maintaining the trail. When we went back this past summer the trail was even wider and showed signs of maintenance.
It looked like a trail when I went part way up it 25 yrs ago...

spencer said:
It says how a certain hike is "not a bushwhack anymore" and then goes on to link to a very detailed report on the internet of the said hike that was a bushwack not very long ago.
I'm not sure what post you're talking about so can't comment on how long it's been a bushwhack

As DP says, the Mt Nancy route has been maintained for over 25 years although the sign about the fine is new

There was a marked route up Mendon then that was obvious enough to follow in winter

There was an obvious herd path to Big Jay

Or are you talking about Traveller or Sunday River Whitecap :)