1-Favourite moment: All of them!!! but a really wonderful moment i will never forget was during a 2 night trip at Carter Notch; iceskating by moonlight on the small pond with a beatuiful girl and a nalgene of port.
2-Toughest: see below! In the morning our leather boots were FROZEN and we had to put them on, then take them off and warm our feet with our hands and put them back on again...repeat twice
3-Coldest: coldest backpacking (but technically it wasn't winter

) was last december. Around the 4th or 5th we planned on spending 2 nites at Hermit Lakes Shelter and summiting Washington. We expected lows around 10 to 15. We knew something was amiss as we neared HOJO's cuz we were carrying heavy packs, wearing lots of clothes and still felt a little cold. Well, it was flippin' 7 degrees! That night dropped to near 0. My jetboil was entertaining to cook with and everything that was supposed be flexible wasn't. T'was a pretty cool experience!
4- Craziest: Last summer at the Prince concert here in Hartford, Ct we found out Deep Banana Blackout was playing a blues and funk festival at a fairground in Keene, NH, the next day and camping was allowed and free the night before. We packed a tent and other sundries after the show arriving very late in Keene. Ohhh, winter

and hiking

well atleast the story ended in NH
5-Warmest: After admiring the night views of the ocean by moonlight on a snowy and icey rocky overlook in Acadia and briskly walking back to the campsite, the campfire was the warmest ever!!!!!!!
also spending an hour on a snowcapped Mt. Hight with no wind, warm sun and crisp views in all directions
glissading, running, tripping and falling down monadnock while laughing my lungs out in the cold, dry air.