The Photo Below Mine is ...

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Joe have you ever done a public slideshow? It would be amazing. Sorry for the drift.
Wilderness Trail between Cedar Brook Tr, and the former suspension bridge.

TPBM is well built cairn


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Top of Huntington Ravine. Cardinals hat on top for scale.


TPBM is a no-fall area
TPBM is a no-fall area

Falls Creek, near Hetch Hetchy in Yosemite. Crossed on the bridge above the falls, then waded above the falls to the left of the bridge.

Also, I did get a bigger backpack eventually. :p

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TBAM is of someone who didn't know what they were getting themselves into, while they are getting into it.
"Didn't know what we were getting ourselves into, while getting into it" on Airline.

TPBM shows us a reason to show some love for the Lincoln Woods Trail...c'mon! There's gotta be at least one between us all.
I like the LWT. Especially early morning or early evening.


TPBM is someone creatively using a piece of gear in a way it wasn't primarily intended to be used (example: hiking pole to hold up a tarp)

TPBM is a picture of Potato Hill from the bushwhack going up Cattail in NC
Not specifically cattail, but close enough. Good to have friends in high places. HA HA. See what I did there? :)

TPBM is a misty morning

This is Mt. Uncanoonuc in Goffstown. My son, age 4, said to me "Daddy, I see lots of fog!"

TPBM is one taken on one of the TW72 bushwhack peaks.



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This should count as a bushwhack JQA

TPBM is of a muddy truck/car, anything but a pedal bike that is all muddy or stuck in the mud on an outdoors trip.
The car itself is not muddy, but the puddle where I rolled to a halt sure was. Close enough, right? Car broke down in February when the alternator and battery died.

TPBM is your best black and white hiking photo
The summit of Mt. Monadnock with about a 2" layer of ice over everything.

TPBM is wildlife you saw from the trail. (ideally, something other than a flying bird)