The Psychology of (not?) exercising

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Perhaps the shirt should be of a fixed gear with some big hills in the background :)

I wonder if that study counted only those people who "exercise" or if it included those who do other things that make the body fit. I walk the dogs every day and I get to the gym most (for the resistive that keeps my weight up) but there are a thousand other things I do that keep me fit. My house or yard always needs something done and all that takes work. Paint it and you're up and down the ladders a few thousand times. Do any project and I'm up and down the stairs to my workshop in the basement a dozen because I forgot a tool. Cutting the grass with a walk-behind mower. Picking up the branches that fall in the yard. All that is exercise and happens on a daily basis. There are a lot of unfit people out there but I wonder if it's really as many as "the numbers" say. I certainly hope not.

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